Ramer, G., Vieira Dias Dos Santos, A. C., Yilmaz, U., & Lendl, B. (2022, September 7). Tiny Data: Nanoscale hyperspectral imaging [Conference Presentation]. EFNS 2022, TU Wien, Austria. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/153195
AFM-IR gives access to infrared absorption information at nanoscale lateral resolution. For chemically simple
samples (few components, distinct phases, spectroscopically different samples) ratio images and direct
evaluation of spectra can often be sufficient to understand chemical composition. When these approaches fail
for more complex samples (spectroscopic overlap of components, many components, inter-diffusion) multi-
variate methods can be applied to gain deeper insights. Multi-variate methods enable to combine information
from multiple spectra or multiple single wavelength images into actual maps of chemical composition – if
we are doing it right. “Doing it right” requires an understanding of the signal transduction chain in AFM-
IR and the peculiarities of scanning probe microscopy. It also requires to understand optical effects that
limit the linear range of AFM-IR [1]. This presentation will discuss the AFM-IR signal transduction chain and
which of its parameters can (need to be) controlled to achieve reproducible AFM-IR measurements and what
the challenges are in applying chemometric algorithms to AFM-IR datasets. It will also introduce software
packages that enable hyperspectral AFM-IR imaging and machine learning.
Project title:
Chemical Systems Engineering: 868615 (FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH) High-Performance Large Area Organic Perovskite devices for lighting, energy and Pervasive Communications: 8619858 (European Commission) Tumor und Lymphknoten auf einer Chip Plattform für Krebsstudien: 953234 (European Commission)
Research Areas:
Materials Characterization: 30% Biological and Bioactive Materials: 30% Sustainable Production and Technologies: 40%