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Radovanovic, Lidija
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Radovanovic, Lidija Exploring the influence of plasma triangularity on pedestal stability and structure in ASDEX UpgradePresentation Vortrag9-Jan-2024
2Radovanovic, Lidija ; Wolfrum, E. ; Dunne, M. G. ; Görler, Tobias ; Harrer, Georg ; Aumayr, Friedrich Exploring the influence of plasma triangularity on pedestal stability and structure on ASDEX UpgradePresentation Vortrag24-Aug-2023
3Harrer, Georg ; Radovanovic, Lidija ; Fellinger, Martina ; Le Bec Yannicka ; Krach P. ; Hiebler, Jasmin KernfusionPresentation Vortrag21-Jul-2023
4Harrer, Georg ; Radovanovic, Lidija ; Faitsch, M. ; Wolfrum, E. ; Cathey, A. ; Dunne, M. G. ; Brida, D. ; Griener, M. ; Labit, B. ; Gil, L. ; Le Bec, Y. ; Krach P. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Progressing the understanding and applications of the QCE scenarioPresentation Vortrag3-Jul-2023
5Harrer, Georg ; Radovanovic, Lidija KernfusionPresentation Vortrag7-Mar-2023
6Radovanovic, Lidija Edge - core coupling: Er and ideal MHD influence on the pedestal width (talk)Presentation Vortrag26-Oct-2022
7Harrer-2022-Physical Review Letters-vor.pdf.jpgHarrer, Georg ; Faitsch, M. ; Radovanovic, Lidija ; Wolfrum, Elisabeth ; Albert, Christopher ; Cathey, A. ; Cavedon, M. ; Dunne, M. ; Eich, T. ; Fischer, R. ; Griener, M. ; Hoelzl, M. ; Labit, B. ; Meyer, H. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Quasicontinuous Exhaust Scenario for a Fusion Reactor: The Renaissance of Small Edge Localized ModesArticle Artikel 10-Oct-2022
8Radovanovic, Lidija Edge - core coupling: physical parameters determining the pedestal width (poster)Presentation Vortrag22-Sep-2022
9Radovanovic, Lidija Edge - core coupling: how to determine the pedestal widthPresentation Vortrag5-Jul-2022
10Radovanovic, Lidija Edge - core coupling: how to determine the pedestal widthPresentation Vortrag5-Jul-2022
11Radovanovic, Lidija Edge - core coupling: physical parameters determining the pedestal widthPresentation Vortrag29-Mar-2022
12Radovanovic, Lidija ; Dunne, M. ; Wolfrum, Elisabeth ; Harrer, Georg ; Faitsch, M. ; Fischer, R. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Developing a physics understanding of the quasi-continuous exhaust regime: pedestal profile and ballooning stability analysisArtikel Article 2022
13Radovanovic, Lidija Ballooning Stability Analysis of the ASDEX - Upgrade Small ELM RegimePräsentation Presentation2021
14Radovanovic, Lidija Ideal Ballooning Analysis of the Pedestal in Highly Shaped PlasmasPräsentation Presentation2021
15Radovanovic, Lidija Ballooning stability analysis of the QCE regimePräsentation Presentation2021
16Radovanovic, Lidija Ballooning Stability Analysis of Plasmas with High ShapingPräsentation Presentation2021
17Radovanovic, Lidija Ballooning stability analysis of small ELMsPräsentation Presentation2020
18Radovanovic, Lidija Ballooning stability analysis of the ASDEX-Upgrade small ELM regimePräsentation Presentation2020
19Radovanovic Lidija - 2020 - Ballooning stability analysis of the ASDEX-Upgrade...pdf.jpgRadovanovic, Lidija Ballooning stability analysis of the ASDEX-Upgrade small-ELM regimeThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
20Harrer, Georg ; Wolfrum, Elisabeth ; Dunne, M.G. ; Eich, T. ; Fischer, R. ; Griener, M. ; Hennequin, P. ; Bock, A. ; Labit, B. ; Manz, P. ; Meyer, H. ; Radovanovic, Lidija ; Saarelma, S. ; Willensdorfer, Matthias ; Aumayr, Friedrich The ballooning structure of small edge localized modes in AUG and TCVKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019