Radovanovic, L. (2024, January 9). Exploring the influence of plasma triangularity on pedestal stability and structure in ASDEX Upgrade [Presentation]. IAP Seminar aus Allgemeiner Physik 2023, Wien, Austria.
E134-03 - Forschungsbereich Atomic and Plasma Physics
Date (published):
Event name:
IAP Seminar aus Allgemeiner Physik 2023
Event date:
Event place:
Wien, Austria
The confinement and the performance of a tokamak plasma in the high confinement regime are closely related to the structure of the plasma edge region, the so-called pedestal. In this region, density and temperature of the plasma drastically drop, acting as an insulator for the core of a fusion plasma. One possible factor limiting the pedestal width is the onset of instabilities, kinetic ballooning modes, at the top of the pedestal which we approximate by local ideal ballooning modes. The stability of these modes can be altered by varying the plasma shape. The results show that different physical mechanisms influence the pedestal width of electrons and ions with respect to their density and temperature. These individual effects are nevertheless conditioned by the overall limit on the total pressure, set by the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability.