Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gabauer, Angelika

Results 1-20 of 45 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gabauer, Angelika Zuhause Altern: Perspektiven auf das Wohnen von älteren Menschen in WienPresentation Vortrag20-Sep-2023
2Gabauer, Angelika Ageing in the City: Images of Old Age in Urban Development in ViennaPresentation Vortrag1-Jun-2023
3Gabauer, Angelika Ageing, Space and SubjectivityPresentation Vortrag30-May-2023
4Gabauer, Angelika Aging in Cities: Everyday Unsettling, Planning and DesignBook Contribution Buchbeitrag31-Oct-2022
5Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine Care and the City: Encounters with Urban StudiesPresentation Vortrag27-Oct-2022
6Gabauer, Angelika Discussant at “Immo Grief Funeral Dinner“Presentation Vortrag24-Sep-2022
7Gabauer, Angelika "Senior-Cohousing“ am Beispiel von KolokationPresentation Vortrag3-Sep-2022
8Gabauer, Angelika Ageing, Space and Subjectivity: The Meaning of Place for the Ageing Subject.Presentation Vortrag25-Jun-2022
9Knierbein, Sabine ; Gabauer, Angelika ; Lindinger, Korinna Childhood, youth and older adults in public spaces and urban planningPresentation Vortrag22-Jun-2022
10Knierbein, Sabine ; Lindinger, Korinna ; Gabauer, Angelika Care and the city – Addressing variability& inequalityPresentation Vortrag22-Jun-2022
11Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine Affects, Bodies and Antipluralist “Activism”: The Dark Side of Public Space ProtestsPresentation Vortrag21-Jun-2022
12Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Trogal, Kim Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies.Presentation Vortrag5-May-2022
13Cohen, Nir ; Gabauer, Angelika ; Lebuhn, Henrik ; Viderman, Tihomir Book Presentation Care and the City: Encounters with Urban StudiesPresentation Vortrag25-Apr-2022
14Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Lebuhn, Henrik ; Viderman, Tihomir Care and the City: Encounters with Urban StudiesPresentation Vortrag22-Apr-2022
15Gabauer, Angelika Spaces of Care: Redefining Spatial Justice from a Perspective of CarePresentation Vortrag2022
16Gabauer, Angelika Ageing in Cities: Differentiated Perspectives for Planning and Urban DesignPresentation Vortrag2022
17Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Höftberger, Katharina ; Kapsali, Matina ; Karagianni, Maria Define Publicness! An International Urban Research Workshop.Report Bericht2022
18Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine The caring city: ethics of urban designSpecial Contribution Spezialbeitrag2022
19Gabauer, Angelika ; Höftberger, Katharina ; Knierbein, Sabine Designing Places of Soulful Encounters? Everyday Life and the Dilemma of Care and Uncare in the CityPräsentation Presentation2021
20Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine Care and the CityPräsentation Presentation2021

Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Cohen, Nir ; Lebuhn, Henrik ; Trogal, Kim ; Viderman, Tihomir ; Haas, Tigran Care and the CityBuch Book 2021
2Kafka, Olivia ; Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Lehner, Judith KTH & TU Wien Joint Visiting Professorship Program in Urban Studies. Report 2019 - 2021Buch Book2021
3Kafka, Olivia ; Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine KTH & TU Wien Joint Visiting Professorship Program in Urban Studies. Annual Report for the Academic Year 2020/21Buch Book2021
4Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Cohen, Nir ; Lebuhn, Henrik ; Trogal, Kim ; Viderman, Tihomir Care, Uncare, and the CityBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2021
5Cohen, Nir ; Knierbein, Sabine Introduction. Social Inequalities, Uneven Space, and CareBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2021
6Trogal, Kim ; Viderman, Tihomir Introduction. Everyday Struggles and Contestations Around CareBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2021
7Gabauer, Angelika ; Glaser, Marie ; Christensen, Liv ; Lehner, Judith ; Jing, Jing ; Lundberg, Stefan Geographies of Aging. Hidden Dimensions of Care in Stockholm, Vienna, and ZurichBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2021
8Gabauer, Angelika ; Lebuhn, Henrik Introduction. New Care Arrangements and Civic InnovationBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2021
9Gabauer, Angelika ; Kafka, Olivia ; Knierbein, Sabine KTH & TU Wien Joint Visiting Professorship Program in Urban Studies. Annual Report for the Academic Year 2019/20Buch Book2020
10Gabauer, Angelika ; Kafka, Olivia ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Lehner, Judith KTH & TU Wien Joint Visiting Professorship Program in Urban Studies. Annual Report for the Academic Year 2018/19.Buch Book2019
11Gabauer, Angelika ; Kafka, Olivia ; Knierbein, Sabine Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space. Ten Years of Urban Research, Teaching and Action.Buch Book2019
12Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Viderman, Tihomir ; Trogal, Kim ; Lebuhn, Henrik ; Haas, Tigran ; Cohen, Nir International Urban Studies Conference. Book of Abstracts.Konferenzband Proceedings2019
13Gabauer, Angelika ; Knierbein, Sabine ; Lebuhn, Henrik ; Sirbegovic, Amila Wien postmigrantisch. Orte der gelebten Vielfalt. Sonderbeilage des AUGUSTIN - Die Erste Österreichische Boulevardzeitung.Buch Book2019