Knierbein, S., Gabauer, A., & Lindinger, K. (2022, June 22). Childhood, youth and older adults in public spaces and urban planning [Presentation]. Linking Ages Salon III: Adressing variability& inequality, Germany.
Linking Ages Salon III: Adressing variability& inequality
Event date:
Event place:
Childhood; Ageing; Youth; Public Space; variability; Inequality
Linking Ages is a new perspective creating a linkage between research on childhood and later life. We focus on rethinking theoretical concepts, methods and research challenges. To establish a transdisciplinary network of childhood and later life experts we created the Linking Ages Salon.
Each Salon focuses on a different topic that is relevant for both research fields, aiming to contrast existing concepts and studies in childhood and ageing research and link our perspectives towards a different approach for future research.
After two short lectures – one from childhood, one from ageing research – to set the base for our discussion, we work on the topic interactively and are excited to hear about your interests and ideas!
We are very excited to invite you to the third and final Linking Ages Salon focusing on "Adressing variability and inequality" on June 22nd 2022 (15.30-19.30 CET).
This time Sabine Knierbein, Angelika Gabauer (Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space) & Korinna Lindinger (TU Wien - Forschungsbereich für Soziologie) will open the discussion with a presentation on "Childhood, youth and older adults in public spaces and urban planning”.
The Linking Ages team will also use the opportunity to look back on previous discussions and findings from our Salons and Citizen Workshop.
Research Areas:
Urban and Regional Transformation: 70% Beyond TUW-research foci: 30%