Full name Familienname, Vorname
Jirout, Michael

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Tippelt, Daniel ; Edelmann, Johannes ; Plöchl, Manfred ; Jirout, Michael Modelling, analysis and mitigation of self-excited vibrations of a magnetic track brakeArtikel Article Jul-2022
2Tippelt, Daniel ; Edelmann, Johannes ; Plöchl, Manfred ; Jirout, Michael Analysis of self-excited vibrations of an electromagnetic track brakeBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
3Tippelt, Daniel ; Edelmann, Johannes ; Plöchl, Manfred ; Jirout, Michael Analysis of self-excited vibrations of an electromagnetic track brakePräsentation Presentation2019
4Jirout, Michael ; Mack, Werner ; Lugner, Peter Non-Smooth Dynamics of a Magnetic Track BrakePräsentation Presentation2009
5Jirout, Michael ; Mack, Werner ; Lugner, Peter Non-smooth dynamics of a magnetic track brakeArtikel Article2009
6Jirout, Michael ; Lugner, Peter ; Mack, Werner Dynamic simulation of the contact forces in the transmission link of a magnetic track-brake in low suspensionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
7Jirout, Michael ; Lugner, Peter ; Mack, Werner Dynamic simulation of the contact forces in the transmission link of a magnetic track-brake in low suspensionPräsentation Presentation2006