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Shluger, Alexander L.

Results 1-20 of 21 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Jech, Markus ; El-Sayed, Al-Moatasem ; Tyaginov, Stanislav ; Shluger, Alexander L. ; Grasser, Tibor Ab Initio Treatment of Silicon-Hydrogen Bond Rupture at Si/SiO₂ InterfacesArtikel Article 2019
2El-Sayed, Al-Moatasem ; Watkins, Matthew B. ; Grasser, Tibor ; Shluger, Alexander L. Effect of Electric Field on Migration of Defects in Oxides: Vacancies and Interstitials in Bulk MgOArtikel Article 2018
3Wimmer, Yannick ; El-Sayed, Al-Moatasem ; Gös, Wolfgang ; Grasser, Tibor ; Shluger, Alexander L. Role of hydrogen in volatile behaviour of defects in SiO₂-based electronic devicesArtikel Article Jun-2016
4El-Sayed, Al-Moatasem ; Watkins, Matthew B. ; Grasser, Tibor ; Afanas’ev, Valeri V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Hole Trapping at Hydrogenic Defects in Amorphous Silicon DioxideArtikel Article 2015
5El-Sayed, Al-Moatasem ; Wimmer, Yannick ; Goes, Wolfgang ; Grasser, Tibor ; Afanas'ev, Valery V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Theoretical Models of Hydrogen-Induced Defects in Amorphous Silicon DioxideArtikel Article 2015
6El-Sayed, Al-Moatasem ; Watkins, Matthew B. ; Grasser, Tibor ; Afanas’ev, Valery V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Hydrogen-Induced Rupture of Strained Si-O Bonds in Amorphous Silicon DioxideArtikel Article 2015
7Sternig, Andreas ; Koller, David ; Siedl, Nicolas ; Diwald, Oliver ; McKenna, Keith ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. MgO Nanocubes in compressed PowdersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
8McKenna, Keith ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. ; Sternig, Andreas ; Stankic, Slavica ; Müller, Markus ; Knözinger, Erich ; Diwald, Oliver Tuning the electronic properties of oxide nanoparticles by surface doping: experimental and theoretical studies of Ca-, Sr-, and Ba-doped MgOPräsentation Presentation2008
9Müller, Markus ; Stankic, Slavica ; Knözinger, Erich ; Diwald, Oliver ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Trevisanutto, Paolo ; Shluger, Alexander L. Effects of protons on the optical properties of oxide nanostructuresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
10Beck, Kenneth ; Joly, Alan ; Diwald, Oliver ; Stankic, Slavica ; Trevisanutto, Paolo ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. ; Hess, Wayne Energy and site selectivity in O-atom photodesorption from nanostructured MgOArtikel Article2008
11Sushko, Peter V. ; Trevisanutto, Paolo ; Shluger, Alexander L. ; Müller, Markus ; Stankic, Slavica ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich Effects of protons on the optical properties of oxide nanostructuresPräsentation Presentation2007
12Müller, Markus ; Stankic, Slavica ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Trevisanutto, Paolo ; Shluger, Alexander L. Effect of protons on the optical properties of oxide nanostructuresArtikel Article2007
13Diwald, Oliver ; Stankic, Slavica ; Müller, Martin ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Photon-Assisted Surface Engineering of MgO NanocubesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
14Sterrer, Martin ; Berger, Thomas ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Chemistry at corners and edges: Generation and adsorption of H atoms on the surface of MgO nanocubesArtikel Article2005
15Sterrer, Martin ; Berger, Thomas ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Influence of hydrogen on the properties of trapped charges on the MgO surfaceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
16Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. ; Sterrer, Martin ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich Hierarchy of electron and hole traps and energy transfer on oxide surfaces: case study of MgOKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2004
17Sterrer, Martin ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Energies and Dynamics of Photo-induced Electron and Hole Processes on MgO powdersPräsentation Presentation2003
18Sterrer, Martin ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Energies and Dynamics of Photo-induced Electron and Hole Processes on MgO PowdersPräsentation Presentation2003
19Sterrer, Martin ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Energy Transfer on the MgO Surface - Wavelength Selective Excitation of Surface Anions and Homolytic H2 SplittingPräsentation Presentation2002
20Sterrer, Martin ; Diwald, Oliver ; Knözinger, Erich ; Sushko, Peter V. ; Shluger, Alexander L. Energies and Dynamics of Photo-induced Electron and Hole Processes on MgO powdersPräsentation Presentation2002