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Gössinger, Manfred

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Murray-2023-LWT - Food Science and Technology-vor.pdf.jpgMurray, Helen ; Dietl-Schuller, Claudia ; Lindner, Marlene ; Korntheuer, Karin ; Halbwirth, Heidrun ; Gössinger, Manfred Prediction of the potential colour stability of strawberry nectar by use of a Stability Prediction Value (SPV)Article Artikel 1-Jan-2023
2Kornpointner, Christoph ; Miksovsky, Philipp ; Rabeeah, Ibrahim Abdulrasool Mahmood ; Murray, Helen ; Gössinger, Manfred ; Haselmair-Gosch, Christian ; Stich, Karl ; Schröder, Katharina ; Halbwirth, Heidrun Enzyme-assissted supercritical fluid extraction (EAE-SFE) of dihydrochalcones from apple pomaceInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
3Scherbichler, Hannes ; Halbwirth, Heidrun ; Gössinger, Manfred ; Stich, Karl Effects of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase on the color stability of strawberry nectar from pureeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
4Gössinger, Manfred ; Ullram, Thomas ; Hermes, Monika ; Wendelin, Silvia ; Berghold, Stefanie ; Halbwirth, Heidrun ; Stich, Karl ; Berghofer, Emmerich Effects of pre-freezing, puree content and pasteurisation regime on colour stability of strawberry nectar made from pureeArtikel Article2009
5Gössinger, Manfred ; Moritz, Stefan ; Hermes, Monika ; Wendelin, Silvia ; Scherbichler, Hannes ; Halbwirth, Heidrun ; Stich, Karl ; Berghofer, Emmerich Effects of processing parameters on colour stability of strawberry nectar from pureeArtikel Article2009