Murray, H., Dietl-Schuller, C., Lindner, M., Korntheuer, K., Halbwirth, H., & Gössinger, M. (2023). Prediction of the potential colour stability of strawberry nectar by use of a Stability Prediction Value (SPV). LWT - Food Science and Technology, 173, Article 114233.
E166-06-2 - Forschungsgruppe Phytochemie und Biochemie der Naturstoffe
LWT - Food Science and Technology
Date (published):
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Peer reviewed:
Colour stability; Lightness; Strawberry nectar; Shelf-life prediction; Stability prediction value
The colour stabilities of 169 different samples of strawberry nectars produced on a lab-scale were measured over 12 weeks. To find a prediction for consumer acceptance at set times, and therefore a shelf-life estimation, a Stability Prediction Value (SPV) was calculated using colour components L*, a* and b* on day of production. The SPV is the first easily measurable calculated value that can be used to predict the Acceptance Factor (AF) – a measure of how likely a strawberry nectar's colour is accepted by consumers – after 12 weeks. It also can predict how many days have elapsed for a nectar's colour to become unacceptable, giving a shelf-life prediction. The SPV values were also calculated for 21 samples produced industrially, and SPV was found to also predict AF after 12 and 36 weeks. SPV, for the first time, gives a quick and simple method to screen raw materials for nectar production, and so could be used by producers to make more colour stable nectars, and breeders to guide development of cultivars. Additionally the potential of the colour component L*, and the concentration of anthocyanins to predict colour stability was evaluated.
Project title:
Ein starkes und dauerhaftes Traininganetzwerk für Innovationen in der Lebensmittel- und Saftindustrie: ein 4D-Ansatz für die Fruchtsaftindustrie: 956257 (European Commission)
Research Areas:
Biological and Bioactive Materials: 15% Efficient Utilisation of Material Resources: 70% Structure-Property Relationsship: 15%