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Starkov, A. S.

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Starkov, A. S. ; Pakhomov, O. V. ; Starkov, I. A. Account for Mutual Influence of Electrical, Elastic, and Thermal Phenomena for Ferroelectric Domain Wall ModelingArtikel Article2013
2Starkov, A. S. ; Pakhomov, O. V. ; Starkov, I. A. Theoretical Model for Thin Ferroelectric Films and the Multilayer Structures Based on ThemArtikel Article2013
3Starkov, A. S. ; Pakhomov, O. V. ; Starkov, I. A. Parametric Enhancement of Electrocaloric Effect by Periodically Varying External FieldArtikel Article2011
4Starkov, Ivan ; Starkov, A. S. ; Tyaginov, S. E. ; Enichlmair, H. ; Ceric, Hajdin ; Grasser, Tibor An Analytical Model for MOSFET Local Oxide CapacitanceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
5Starkov, A. S. ; Pakhomov, O. V. ; Starkov, Ivan Effect of Thermal Phenomena on a Second-Order Phase Transition in the Landau-Ginzburg ModelArtikel Article2010
6Dedyk, Antonina ; Pavlova, Yulia ; Pakhomov, O. V. ; Starkov, A. S. ; Starkov, Ivan ; Semenov, Alexander ; Karmanenko, Sergey Capacitance Hysteresis of the Temperature Dependence for Ferroelectric Barium-Strontium Titanate CapacitorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010