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Fedorov, V. V.

Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Illarionov, Yury ; Banshchikov, A. G. ; Sokolov, N. S. ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Suturin, S. M. ; Vexler, M. I. ; Knobloch, Theresia ; Polyushkin, Dmitry K. ; Mueller, T. ; Grasser, Tibor Epitaxial Fluorides as a Universal Platform for More Moore and More than Moore Electronics Based on 2D MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2021
2Illarionov, Yury ; Banshchikov, A. G. ; Knobloch, Theresia ; Polyushkin, Dmitry K. ; Wachter, Stefan ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Suturin, S. M. ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Vexler, M. I. ; Sokolov, N. S. ; Grasser, Tibor Crystalline Calcium Fluoride: A Record-Thin Insulator for Nanoscale 2D ElectronicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
3Gollner, Claudia ; Koulouklidis, Anastasios D. ; Shalaby, Mostafa ; Brodeur, Corinne ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Lebedev, P. N. ; Tzortakis, Stelios ; Shumakova, Valentina ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Pugzlys, Audrius Broadband intense THz pulses generated with a mid-infrared OPCPA pump sourceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
4Koulouklidis, Anastasios D. ; Gollner, Claudia ; Shumakova, Valentina ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Pugzlys, Audrius ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Tzortakis, Stelios Extreme THz Fields from Mid-Infrared Two-Color Laser FilamentsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
5Illarionov, Yury ; Vexler, M.I. ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Suturin, S. M. ; Sokolov, N. S. ; Grasser, Tibor Characterization of Epitaxial Calcium Fluoride as a Dielectric Material for Ultra-Thin Barrier Layers in Silicon MicroelectronicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2015
6Vexler, M.I. ; Illarionov, Yury ; Tyaginov, S. E. ; Sokolov, N. S. ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Grasser, Tibor Simulation of the Electrical Characteristics of the Devices with Thin Calcium Fluoride Films on Silicon-(111) Using MINIMOS-NTKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2014
7Illarionov, Yu. Yu. ; Vexler, M. I. ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Suturin, S. M. ; Sokolov, N. S. Electrical and Optical Characterization of Au/CaFâ‚‚/p-Si(111) Tunnel-Injection DiodesArtikel Article2014
8Illarionov, Yury ; Vexler, M. I. ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Suturin, S. M. ; Isakov, D. V. ; Grekhov, I.V. Optical characterization of the injection properties of MIS structures with thin CaF2 and HfO2/SiO2 insulating layers on SiliconKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
9Vexler, M. I. ; Illarionov, Yury ; Suturin, S. M. ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Sokolov, N. S. Tunnel charge transport in Au/CaF2/Si(111) systemKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
10Vexler, M. I. ; Tyaginov, S. E. ; Illarionov, Yu. Yu. ; Sing, Yew Kwang ; Shenp, Ang Diing ; Fedorov, V. V. ; Isakov, D. V. A General Simulation Procedure for the Electrical Characteristics of Metal Insulator Semiconductor Tunnel StructuresArtikel Article2013