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Sokolovic, Igor
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Results 1-20 of 37 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Sokolovic, Igor ; Wrana, Dominik ; Schmid, Michael ; Setvin, Martin ; Diebold, Ulrike Obtaining a true SrTiO₃(001)-(1×1) surface by cleavingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag15-Jan-2024
2Franceschi, Giada ; Brandstetter, Sebastian ; Balajka, Jan ; Sokolović, Igor ; Pavelec, Jiri ; Setvin, Martin ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike Interaction of surface cations of cleaved mica with water in vapor and liquid formsArticle Artikel 2024
3Corrias-2023-Machine Learning Science and Technology-vor.pdf.jpgCorrias, Marco ; Papa, Lorenzo ; Sokolović, Igor ; Birschitzky, Viktor ; Gorfer, Alexander ; Setvin, Martin ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Reticcioli, Michele ; Franchini, Cesare Automated real-space lattice extraction for atomic force microscopy imagesArticle Artikel Mar-2023
4Franceschi, Giada ; Kocán, Pavel ; Conti, Andrea ; Brandstetter, Sebastian ; Balajka, Jan ; Sokolović, Igor ; Valtiner, Markus ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Schmid, Michael ; Setvín, Martin ; Diebold, Ulrike Resolving the intrinsic short-range ordering of K+ ions on cleaved muscovite micaArticle Artikel 13-Jan-2023
5Chen, Hao ; Blatnik, Matthias A. ; Ritterhoff, Christian L ; Sokolović, Igor ; Mirabella, Francesca ; Franceschi, Giada ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Čechal, Jan ; Meyer, Bernd ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Wagner, Margareta Water Structures Reveal Local Hydrophobicity on the In₂O₃(111) SurfaceArticle Artikel 27-Dec-2022
6Sokolovic, Igor Truly bulk-terminated, cleaved SrTiO₃001)(1×1) surfaces studied at the atomic scale via nc-AFM (invited talk)Presentation Vortrag26-Sep-2022
7Franceschi, Giada ; Lezuo, Luca ; Brandstetter, Sebastian ; Kocan P. ; Conti A. ; Balajka, Jan ; Sokolovic, Igor ; Pavelec, Jiri ; Setvin, Martin ; Valtiner, Markus ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike Nc-AFM studies of pristine mineral surfaces and their interaction with water (poster)Presentation Vortrag14-Sep-2022
8Sokolovic, Igor Influence of Nb dopants on the polarization and screening on cleaved SrTiO₃(001) (contributed talk)Presentation Vortrag7-Sep-2022
9Sokolovic, Igor Two distinct two-dimensional electron gases appearing at truly bulk-terminated, cleaved SrTiO₃(001) (talk)Presentation Vortrag30-Aug-2022
10Sokolovic, Igor Adsorption of O₂ on the rutile TiO₂(110) surface revisited by nc-AFM (Poster)Presentation Vortrag30-Aug-2022
11Wang, Zhichang ; Reticcioli, Michele ; Jakub, Zdenek ; Sokolović, Igor ; Meier, Matthias ; Boatner, Lynn A ; Schmid, Michael ; Parkinson, Gareth S ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Franchini, Cesare ; Setvin, Martin Surface chemistry on a polarizable surface: Coupling of CO with KTaO3(001)Article Artikel 19-Aug-2022
12Sokolovic, Igor Charge trapping on a truly bulk-terminated SrTiO₃(001) (contributed talk)Presentation Vortrag4-Aug-2022
13Merte, Lindsay R ; Bisbo, Malthe Kjaer ; Sokolović, Igor ; Setvín, Martin ; Hagman, Benjamin ; Shipilin, Mikhail ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Lundgren, Edvin ; Hammer, Bjørk Structure of an Ultrathin Oxide on Pt₃ Sn(111) Solved by Machine Learning Enhanced Global OptimizationArticle Artikel 20-Jun-2022
14Sokolovic, Igor Bulk-terminated SrTiO₃(001)(1×1) surfaces studied at the atomic scale via nc-AFM (invited talk)Presentation Vortrag11-Mar-2022
15Sokolovic, Igor ; Franceschi, Giada ; Wang, Zhichang ; Xu, Jian ; Pavelec, Jiri ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Setvin, Martin Thermal (in)stability of the bulk-terminated SrTiO₃(001) surfacePräsentation Presentation2021
16Rheinfrank, Erik ; Franceschi, Giada ; Sokolovic, Igor ; Redondo, J. ; Procházka, Pavel ; Kumar, Nishant ; Man, Ondřej ; Michalička, Jan ; Čechal, Jan ; Schmid, Michael ; Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Riva, Michele Reduction of the α-Fe₂O₃(1102) surface to Fe₃O₄Präsentation Presentation2021
17Redondo, J. ; Kocán, Pavel ; Franceschi, Giada ; Kraushofer, Florian ; Riva, Michele ; Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Setvin, Martin ; Sokolovic, Igor Investigations of polarons in hematite α−Fe₂O₃(1102) by means of nC-AFM and KMCPräsentation Presentation2021
18Sokolovic, Igor Complex oxide surfaces studied at the atomic scale by non-contact AFM/STM and DFTPräsentation Presentation2021
19Sokolovic, Igor Adsorption of O₂ on the rutile TiO₂(110) surface revisited by nc-AFMPräsentation Presentation2021
20Sokolović, Igor ; Franceschi, Giada ; Wang, Zhichang ; Xu, Jian ; Pavelec, Jiří ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Setvin, Martin Quest for a pristine unreconstructed SrTiO₃(001) surface: An atomically resolved study via noncontact atomic force microscopyArtikel Article 2021