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Rodriguez, Ana M.

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1Dura, Gema ; Carrion, M.C. ; Jalon, Felix A. ; Manzano, Blanca R. ; Rodriguez, Ana M. ; Mereiter, Kurt Robust 2D coordination networks from a two-step assembly process with predesigned silver cyclic dimers and hexamethylenetetramineArtikel Article 2015
2Manzano, Blanca R. ; Jalon, Felix A. ; Soriano, M. Laura ; Carrion, M.C. ; Carranza, M. Pilar ; Mereiter, Kurt ; Rodriguez, Ana M. ; de la Hoz, Antonio ; Sanchez-Migallon, Ana Anion-Dependent Self -Assembly of Siver(I) and Diaminotriazines to Coordination Polymers: Non-Covalent Bonds and Role Interchange between Silver and Hydrogen BondsArtikel Article2008
3Iglesias, M. ; Rodriguez, Ana M. ; Blaha, Peter ; Baldomir, Daniel ; Pereiro, M. ; Botana, J. ; Arias, J.E. ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Ab initio electronic structure of rare earth orthoferritesArtikel Article2005
4Iglesias, M. ; Rodriguez, Ana M. ; Blaha, Peter ; Baldomir, Daniel ; Pereiro, M. ; Botana, J. ; Arias, J.E. ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Ab initio electronic structure of rare earth orthoferritesPräsentation Presentation2004