Full name Familienname, Vorname
Zhong, Zhicheng
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 37 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Chen, Dachuan ; Jiang, Peiheng ; Si, Liang ; Lu, Yi ; Zhong, Zhicheng Magnetism in doped infinite-layer NdNiO₂ studied by combined density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theoryArticle Artikel 15-Jul-2022
2Held, Karsten ; Si, Liang ; Worm, Paul ; Janson, Oleg ; Arita, Ryotaro ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Kitatani, Motoharu Phase Diagram of Nickelate Superconductors Calculated by Dynamical Vertex ApproximationArticle Artikel 21-Jan-2022
3Lee, Han Gyeol ; Si, Liang ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Noh, Tae Won Atomic‐Scale Metal-Insulator Transition in SrRuO3 Ultrathin Films Triggered by Surface Termination ConversionArtikel Article 2019
4Jiang, Peiheng ; Si, Liang ; Zhong, Zhicheng Electronic structure of rare-earth infinite-layer RNiO2(R=La,Nd)Artikel Article 2019
5Battiato, Marco ; Held, Karsten ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tomczak, Jan Unified picture for the colossal thermopower compound FeSb2Präsentation Presentation2016
6Liao, Z. ; Huijben, M. ; Zhong, Z. ; Gauquelin, N. ; Macke, S. ; Green, R. J. ; Van Aert, S. ; Verbeeck, J. ; Van Tendeloo, G. ; Held, K. ; Sawatzky, G. A. ; Koster, G. ; Rijnders, G. Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral couplingArtikel Article 2016
7Si, Liang ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Held, Karsten Route to room-temperature ferromagnetic ultrathin SrRuO₃ filmsArtikel Article 15-Jul-2015
8Zhong, Zhicheng ; Wallerberger, Markus ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Taranto, Ciro ; Parragh, Nicolaus ; Toschi, Alessandro ; Sangiovanni, Giorgio ; Held, Karsten Electronics with Correlated Oxides: SrVO₃/SrTiO₃ as a Mott TransistorArtikel Article 19-Jun-2015
9Battiato, M. ; Tomczak, J. M. ; Zhong, Z. ; Held, K. Unified Picture for the Colossal Thermopower Compound FeSb₂Artikel Article 12-Jun-2015
10Zhong, Zhicheng ; Si, Liang ; Zhang, Q. ; Yin, Wei-Guo ; Yunoki, Seiji ; Held, Karsten Giant Switchable Rashba Effect in Oxide HeterostructuresArtikel Article2015
11Si, Liang ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tomczak, Jan ; Held, Karsten Ab initio study of electronic correlation in SrRuO3Präsentation Presentation2014
12Zhong, Zhicheng Switchable giant Rashba effect in complex oxide heterostructuresPräsentation Presentation2014
13Zhong, Zhicheng Giant switchable Rashba effect in oxide heterostructuresPräsentation Presentation2014
14Si, Liang ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tomczak, Jan ; Held, Karsten Electronic correlations: origin of the fancy transition in SrRuO3Präsentation Presentation2014
15Lei, Hechang ; Yin, Wei-Guo ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Hosono, Hideo Structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of Li₂Ir₁₋ₓRuₓO₃Artikel Article 2014
16Kleibeuker, J. E. ; Zhong, Z. ; Nishikawa, H. ; Gabel, J. ; Müller, A. ; Pfaff, F. ; Sing, M. ; Held, K. ; Claessen, R. ; Koster, G. ; Rijnders, G. Electronic Reconstruction at the Isopolar LaTiO₃/LaFeO₃ Interface: An X-Ray Photoemission and Density-Functional Theory StudyArtikel Article 2014
17Wang, Zhiming ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Hao, Xiangfeng ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Stöger, Bernhard ; Schmid, Michael ; Sánchez-Barriga, Jaime ; Varykhalov, Andrei ; Franchini, Cesare ; Held, Karsten ; Diebold, Ulrike Anisotropic two-dimensional electron gas at SrTiO₃(110)Artikel Article 2014
18Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tóth, Anna ; Held, Karsten Theory of spin-orbit coupling at LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃ interfaces and SrTiO₃ surfacesArtikel Article 5-Apr-2013
19Zhong, Zhicheng Oxide heterostructuresPräsentation Presentation2013
20Zhong, Zhicheng ; Zhang, Qinfang ; Held, Karsten Quantum confinement in perovskite oxide heterostructures: Tight binding instead of a nearly free electron pictureArtikel Article2013