Träff, J. L. (2022). Fast(er) Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2022) (pp. 142–151). IEEE.
We give a fast(er), communication-free, parallel construction of optimal communication schedules that allow broadcasting of n distinct blocks of data from a root processor to all other processors in 1-ported, p- processor networks with full bidirectional communication. For any p and n , broadcasting in this model requires n-1+ceil(log p) communication rounds. In contrast to other constructions, all processors follow the same, circulant graph communication pattern, which makes it possible to use the schedules for the allgather (all-to-all-broadcast) operation as well. The new construction takes O(log^3 p) time steps per processor, each of which can compute its part of the schedule independently of the other processors in O(log p) space. The result is a significant improvement over the sequential O(p log^2 p) time and O(p log p) space construction of Träff and Ripke (2009) with considerable practical import. The round-optimal schedule construction is then used to implement communication optimal algorithms for the broadcast and (irregular) allgather collective operations as found in MPI (the Message-Passing Interface), and significantly and practically improve over the implementations in standard MPI libraries for certain problem ranges. The application to the irregular allgather operation is entirely new.
Research Areas:
Computer Engineering and Software-Intensive Systems: 90% Computer Science Foundations: 10%