Yakymovych, A., Kaptay, G., Flandorfer, H., Bernardi, J., Schwarz, S., & Ipser, H. (2018). The nano heat effect of replacing macro-particles by nano-particles in drop calorimetry: the case of core/shell metal/oxide nano-particles. RSC Advances, 8(16), 8856–8869. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7ra13643a
E057-02 - Fachbereich Universitäre Serviceeinrichtung für Transmissions- Elektronenmikroskopie
RSC Advances
Datum (veröffentlicht):
Peer Reviewed:
General Chemistry; General Chemical Engineering
Experimental results are presented here obtained by a drop calorimetric method, in which Ni and Cu
particles, both in bulk and nanosized form, were dropped into a liquid Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu solder alloy
(in wt%). The molar enthalpies of mixing of the liquid (Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu)-Ni(Cu) alloys were measured. An
extra exothermic heat effect is observed when dropping nano-particles instead of macro-particles. This
is partly due to the loss of the large surface area and the corresponding large surface enthalpy of the
nano-particles before their dissolution in the liquid alloy. However, a large additional exothermic heat
effect was also found in the case of Cu-nano-particles, due to the exchange chemical reaction between
the Cu2O shell of the nano-particles and liquid Sn; this is caused by the fact that the Cu-nano-particles
are core-shell particles with an inner metallic Cu core and an outer Cu2O shell. This effect is less
significant for Ni nano-particles which have a thinner oxide shell.
Materials Characterization: 50% Special and Engineering Materials: 50%