Korjenic, A., Hollands, J., Drkenda, P., Dikic Mirha, GADZO, D., & Karic, L. (2022). Final Report - Good practice in urban landscape and urban agriculture. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/153436
The main focus of this multidisciplinary project was further development and improvement of urban planning in terms of food security, as well as an analysis of the potential of vertical green areas. The objective was the exchange of knowledge from two different but yet interconnected fields of expertise and joint creation and further development of framework conditions for a city worth living in. Precisely, this means studying the behaviour of different plant species positioned in the vertical green wall system, studying and optimising used substrates, in order to minimise maintenance outlay and find optimal irrigation system, as well as observing the effect of urban farming on sustainability and development. The attempt to optimize the substrate and the choice of plants was not only theoretical, but rather tested and proven in situ, with different combinations and rations of fertilizers. In addition to that, a lot of attention was given to the environmental education of students, which helps further the understanding of how the decisions and actions that are made affect the environment.
Project title:
GOOD PRACTICE IN URBAN LANDSCAPE AND URBAN AGRICULTURE: BIH 01/2019 (OeAD Österr.Austauschdienst GmbH Geschäftsstelle Wien)
Research Areas:
Sustainable Production and Technologies: 50% Environmental Monitoring and Climate Adaptation: 50%