<div class="csl-bib-body">
<div class="csl-entry">Pichler, M., Wesenauer, F., Jordan, C., Puskas, S., Streibl, B., Winter, F., & Harasek, M. (2020). Considering Reactions in Design and Simulation of Ejectors. In C. Jordan (Ed.), <i>Proceedings of the 16th Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik and 7th Partikelforum (TU Wien, Sept. 21/22, 2020)</i> (pp. MoV2-(03) page 1-MoV2-(03) page 5). chemical-engineering.at. https://doi.org/10.34726/562</div>
The influence of gas phase reactions in ejector pumps using gaseous fuel as primary gas is investigated. Simulated ignition delay times are compared to predicted mean residence times of a 1D ejector design tool to investigate if ignition takes place in the ejector tube. 1D results are compared to CFD simulations to take into account non-ideal mixing effects along the ejector.