Pak, B., Wurzer, G., & Stouffs, R. (Eds.). (2022). Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design (Vol. 2).
Publication Type:
Proceedings - Full Paper Book
Date (published):
Number of Pages:
eCAADe; Conference Proceedings; Architectural Design; CAAD; Urban Planning; GIS
Spatial design is becoming an increasingly social, participatory and inclusive practice. In the last decade,
ordinary people all around the world have started to claim a shaping power over the processes of
urbanization; over the ways in which our cities are made and remade (Harvey, 2013). There has been a
resurgence in the number of do-it-yourself cooperatives initiated by non-designer citizens, activists, artists
and designers.
In parallel to these developments, a plethora of social technologies, tools and platforms have been
developed to include a variety of stakeholders in the architectural design, urban design, planning and
decision-making processes. Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding applications started to be widely used to tap
into the wisdom of the crowd. Novel developments in parametric design and digital fabrication created
possibilities for user participation in the making of customized and highly diversified products. With the
combination of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, smart buildings, autonomous devices, robots
and software started to transform into agents and active participants. The attempts to harness collective
human and artificial intelligence opened up new avenues for combining practice, research and education.
On the other hand, there is a growing concern over the possible negative impact of the digital devices,
tools, platforms and agents integrated in the making of our buildings and cities, public, private and collective
spaces. Examples of those are the potential exclusion of vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens, transfer of
citizen power to the corporations, privatization of personal life and data, as well as spatial exclusion through
increased technological control and surveillance.
Additional information:
9 Multilayered Complexity Evaluation within Configurators for Design - Responsible
collaborative systems for architectural and product design
Matthias Kulcke, Wolfgang E. Lorenz
19 Running, Running, Stop - Applying graph theory to pathfinding analysis to improve
circulation efficiency in vertical high schools
Scarlett Rogers, Tom Rubenach, Ben Doherty, Nicole Gardner, M. Hank Haeusler, K. Daniel Yu
29 Discrete Differences between Aggregate Systems for Generative Urban and Architectural
Zvonko Vugreshek
39 Space Matcher - An interactive toolbox for assisting in spatializing & testing office
programmes using graph centralities
Ekaterina Fuchkina, Martin Bielik, Sven Schneider, Tobias Ossenberg-Engels, Alexander
47 PASTA: Parametric Approach for Space Transplanet hAbitations - A generative powered
design process for internal configurations in spaceships
Zhelun Zhu, Ugo-Maria Coraglia, Antonio Fioravanti
57 A Visibility Algorithm Based on Voxel Modelling Method Developed for Architectural
Sezgi Yalçınkaya, Meryem Birgül Çolakoğlu
67 Field Condition - Environmental sensibility of spatial configurations with the use of
machine intelligence
Christina Doumpioti, Jeffrey Huang
75 Environmental Impact Assessment and Visualization of Rain-Water Best Management
Practices for Urban Blocks - An "architect-friendly" simulation model
Kyratsoula-Tereza Papanikolaou, Katherine Liapi, Ioannis Sibetheros
85 Deep Trails - Coupling of structural optimization and self-organization processes for the
computational design of composite surface tectonics
Gianluca Casalnuovo, Alessio Erioli
95 Computational Schematic Design Utilizing Self-Organizing Programmatic Agents - A novel
approach to visualizing and organizing urban and architectural data
Nicholas A. van Son, Marshall Prado
105 Spatial Agent-based Architecture Design Simulation Systems
Anatolii Kotov, Rolf Starke, Ilija Vukorep
113 Versus Habitat - Multi agent spatial negotiation for topology-aware, large scale
architectural assemblages
Andrea Bonafede, Alessio Erioli
123 Branch Making Shells - A multi-agent systems application for the formation of shell
branched structures
Ilaria Tommasi, Alessio Erioli
133 NoMoTown - An agent-based model of transport mode choice
Til Sommer, Gabriel Wurzer, Wolfgang E. Lorenz
141 Agent-Based Semiology - Simulating office occupation patterns with conversation-based
social models
Robert Neumayr
151 Multimateriality as a Driver of Additive Robotic Fabrication - Agent system used for
toolpath generator
Daniel Sviták, Shota Tsikoliya, Imro Vaško
159 Reinterpreting the Dougong Joint by Using Parametric Design Methods and Robotic
Fabrication Technologies: a Critical Review
Jiangyang Zhao, Davide Lombardi, Hanmei Chen, Asterios Agkathidis
169 Machine Learning in Predicting Section Drawings - Case of Anatolian Seljuk Kümbets
Orkan Zeynel Güzelci
177 Bridging Cultural Heritage Ontologies in VR Environment - A framework for querying and
reasoning on the Temple of Venus and Rome restoration and documentation
Armando Trento, Antonio Fioravanti, Joachim Kieferle, Uwe Woessner
187 Creativity and Digital Transition in Central Apennine - Innovative design methods and
digital technologies as interactive tools to enable heritage regeneration and community
Maddalena Ferretti, Benedetta Di Leo, Ramona Quattrini, Iva Vasic
197 Digital Intervention Methodologies and Robotic Manufacturing for the Conservation and
the Restoration of 20th-Century Concrete Architecture Damaged by Material Loss
Téva Colonneau, Sabrina Chenafi, Antonella Mastrorilli
207 Integrating XR and Tangible Model to Enhance Old Building Renovation Design
Jiaqi Li, Tian Tian Lo, Xiangmin Guo, Fukai Chen
217 Reimagining Gego: Geometrical Reconstruction of Nubes, an Undocumented and Lost
Sculpture from 1974
Erik Bauscher, Klaus Jan Philipp, Stefanie Reisinger, Thomas Wortmann
227 Towards a Digital Practice of Historical Stone Carvings
Begüm Hamzaoğlu, Mine Özkar, Serdar Aydın
237 Context Decoder - Measuring urban quality through artificial intelligence
Laura Marsillo, Nawapan Suntorachai, Keshava Narayan Karthikeyan, Nataliya Voinova, Lea
Khairallah, Angelos Chronis
247 Wind Comfort Analysis and Design of Small Scale Elements for Improving Urban Space
Livability - A case study in Talinn, Estonia
Jelena Kazak, Francesco De Luca, Jenni Partanen
257 Unlocking Urban Simulation Data with a Semantic City Planning System - Ontologically
representing and integrating MATSim output data in a knowledge graph
Ayda Grisiute, Heidi Silvennoinen, Shiying Li, Arkadiusz Chadzynski, Aurel von Richthofen, Pieter
267 Developing an Interactive Method for Generation and Evaluation of Urban Environments
Anat Talmor-Blaistain, Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzman
277 Parametric Urban Data Structuring and Spatial Query - Advanced data mapping and
selection methods for parametric modelling environments
Abdulmalik Abdulmawla, Sven Schneider, Reinhard Koenig, Martin Bielik, Ekaterina Fuchkina
287 Generating 3D Building Volumes for a Given Urban Context using Pix2Pix GAN
Raffaele Di Carlo, Divyae Mittal, Ondrej Vesely
297 Citography - Mapping collective mediated experiences
Weronika Gajda, Corneel Cannaerts
307 Measuring Impacts of Vertically Integrated Pedestrian Network Configurations on Urban
Space Use in Dense Built Environments
Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan, Anjanaa Srikanth, Chirag Hablani, Thomas Schroepfer
319 Automated Code Compliance Checking - A computational workflow for verifying model,
parameter and regulatory compliance
Luka Jovanovic, Leo Ming, Ben Doherty, Nicole Gardner, M. Hank Haeusler, K. Daniel Yu
329 Establishment of Database for Automated Building Codes Compliance Checking in the
Pre-Design Phase
Soon-min Hong, Dong-wuk Kim, Hyeong-mo Gu, Seung-yeon Choo
339 Development of the IFC Schema Extension Methodology for Integrated BIM
Junghye Won, Taehoon Kim, Jinhyeon Yu, Seungyeon Choo
347 Potential for Social Housing Mass Customization in Brazil through the Integration
between BIM and Algorithmic-Parametric Modeling
Alexander Brasil, Andressa Martinez
357 Transition between Architectural Ideation and BIM - Towards a new method through
semantic building modeling
Gaelle Baudoux, Xaviera Calixte, Pierre Leclercq
367 Rule-Based Design for the Integration of Humanoid Assistance Robotics into the Living
Environment of Senior Citizens
Marie P. Sartorius, Petra von Both
379 Robotic Additive Manufacturing of Glass Structures
Han Lin, Tsung-Han Tsai, Ting-Chia Chen, Yu-Ting Sheng, Shih-Yuan Wang
389 Towards to the Hyperautomation - An integrated framework for Construction 4.0: a case of
Hookbot as a distributed reconfigurable robotic assembly system
Burak Delikanlı, Leman Figen Gül
399 Programming Twist - Exploring the geometric affordances of aluminum through flexible
robotic workflows
Marielena Papandreou, Efilena Baseta, Arpan Mathe, Robert Michael Blackburn, Libish
409 Environment-Aware 3D Concrete Printing through Robot-Vision
Roberto Naboni, Luca Breseghello, Sandro Sanin
419 See - Sense - Respond: An adaptive robotic fabrication framework for post-processing of
glass fiber-reinforced plastic architectural panels
Özgüç Bertuğ Çapunaman, Benay Gürsoy
427 Visual Programming for Interactive Robotic Fabrication Processes - Process flow definition
in robotic fabrication
Johannes Braumann, Emanuel Gollob, Karl Singline
437 Performing Immersive Virtual Environment User Studies with VREVAL
Grayson Bailey, Olaf Kammler, Rene Weiser, Ekaterina Fuchkina, Sven Schneider
447 Work of Art in the Age of Metaverse - Exploring digital art through augmented reality
Guzden Varinlioglu, Kaya Oguz, Doruk Turkmen, Irem Ercan, Gozde Damla Turhan
457 Enhanced Tracking Method with Object Detection for Mixed Reality in Outdoor Large
Airi Kinoshita, Tomohiro Fukuda, Nobuyoshi Yabuki
467 Exploring Synaespatia within a Networked Musico-Spatial Virtual Environment
Jeremy Ham, Uwe Woessner, Joachim Kieferle
475 VR Panoramas - Visualizing urban context using 360 spherical images
Patrick Janssen, Tung Do Phuong Bui
485 VR Experiment that Supports the Development of Analytical Tools for Simulating and
Predicting Urban Well-Being
Roei Yosifof, Yaala Trossman-Haifler, Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzman
495 3D-Model-Based Augmented Reality for Enhancing Physical Architectural Models
Seda Tuzun Canadinc, Wei Yan
507 The A(fin)ne Pavilion - Pandemic adapted architectural studio fabrication
Andrei Nejur, Thomas Balaban
517 From Sheet to Folded Plate Structure - Design & build investigations with an
interdisciplinary student team
Timo Carl, Agnes Weilandt
525 GIS-Box Improving Data Literacy in Spatial Disciplines - Integrating spatial data modeling,
processing and visualization in spatial study programs
Noemi Kremer, Martin Bangratz, Jakob Beetz, Agnes Förster
535 Experiential Learning of Structural Systems - Comparison of design-based and
experiment-based pedagogies
Oyku Acican, Laurens Luyten
545 Form D-Form - A design studio on digital fabrication and thermoforming
Ioanna Symeonidou
553 Efficacy of Gamification on Introductory Architectural Education: a literature review
Abeeha Awan, Davide Lombardi, Paolo Ruffino, Asterios Agkathidis
567 Computational Quantitative Aesthetics Evaluation - Evaluating architectural images using
computer vision, machine learning and social media
Victor Sardenberg, Mirco Becker
575 Architectural Form Explorations through Generative Adversarial Networks - Predicting the
potentials of StyleGAN
Ruşen Eroğlu, Leman Figen Gül
583 A Discussion on an Urban Layout Workflow Utilizing Generative Adversarial Network
(GAN) - With a focus on automatized labeling and dataset acquisition
Ximing Zhong, Pia Fricker, Fujia Yu, Chuheng Tan, Yuzhe Pan
593 Automatic Room Type Classification using Machine Learning for Two-Dimensional
Residential Building Plans
Xingjian Zhao, Tsung-Hsien Wang, Chengzhi Peng
601 LearnCarbon - A tool for machine learning prediction of global warming potential from
abstract designs
Kritika Kharbanda, Iliana Papadopoulou, Panagiota Pouliou, Karim Daw, Anirudh Belwadi,
Hariprasath Loganathan
611 Learning Spatiality - A GAN method for designing architectural models through labelled
Mathias Bank, Viktoria Sandor, Kristina Schinegger, Stefan Rutzinger
621 Deep Learning Spatial Signature - Inverted GANs for Isovist representation in architectural
Mikhael Johanes, Jeffrey Huang
631 Mapping Space Allocation with Artificial Intelligence - An approach towards mass
customized housing units
Ricardo Cesar Rodrigues, Renan Rubio Koga, Ercilia Hitomi Hirota, Rovenir Bertola Duarte
Research Areas:
Urban and Regional Transformation: 30%
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 70%
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 70%
Science Branch:
5070 - Humangeographie, Regionale Geographie, Raumplanung: 30%
2012 - Architektur: 70%
2012 - Architektur: 70%
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