Hensel, M. U., Tyc, J. M., Sunguroğlu Hensel, D., Ahmeti, A., & Cifci, M. A. (2023). ECOLOPES Voxel Model (D5.3). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/190443
The report outlines the development of the ECOLOPES Voxel Model for the ontology-aided generative computational design process for the design of ecological building envelopes. The objectives are: (1) to describe the role of the voxel model in the ontology-aided generative computational design process; (2) to provide a conceptual and technological characterization of the voxel model; (3) to describe the interactions of the voxel model with the components of the ontology-aided generative computational design process (EIM Ontologies and Computational Model / algorithms); (4) to describe the interactions of the voxel model with other components of the ECOLOPES computational design framework (Databases, Ecological Model, Knowledge Generation Framework); (5) to outline the voxel data that is delivered together with the CAD geometry and ontological output) to the subsequent optimization process; and (6) to outline open questions and future research.
Project title:
ECOlogical building enveLOPES: a game-changing design approach for regenerative urban ecosystems: EU project 964414 (European Commission)
Research Areas:
Urban and Regional Transformation: 30% Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 30% Modeling and Simulation: 40%