Robisson, A., Dhar, S., Liberto, T., Kirnbauer, J., Daneshvar, D., Deix, K., & Pauser, M. (2020). Dämmung und frostsichere Verwendung mit recyclefähigen Betonschaum - Year 2 (No. 1).
E207-01 - Forschungsbereich Baustofflehre und Werkstofftechnologie
Report No.:
Date (published):
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cement; rheology; interface; recycling
Project (external):
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This second year’s achievements include:
- Fresh properties (infiltration, foam, UHPC): Setting up of rheology protocols to measure structuration (flocculation) and yield stress of cement with time. Evaluation of elastic and loss moduli evolutions with time on several binders (Portland cement, alkali-activated material, calcite). Highlight of the challenges to obtain reproducible and reliable data.
- Sustainable binders: Qualitative confirmation that rheology can be used to assess attractive forces between cement particles / early hydrates (C-S-H).
- Nano-particles de-agglomeration (UHPC, foams): Identification of an optimized pre-dry-mixing sequence for the production of UHPC using conventional mixers based on rheological and mechanical testing campaign. Deagglomeration of silica fumes (a nano-filler) was identified as the limiting step.
- Interfaces: Test campaign including shear strength, fracture energy and tensile strength measurements to characterize interfaces between old and new concrete using epoxy as a bonding agent. Results consistently show a decrease of strength and fracture energy with increasing temperature during the application of epoxy and the early curing of concrete.
- Recycled aggregates: Test campaign on influence of gypsum in concrete
- Injection: Design and assembly of a testing setup that allow to test novel additives
- Year 2 detailed report sent to all partners.
A new PhD student, Subhransu Dhar, joined the group. Experimental results were obtained despite our lab move from Blamauergasse to Arsenal and the measures linked to COVID-19.
Research Areas:
Materials Characterization: 50% Surfaces and Interfaces: 25% Structure-Property Relationsship: 25%