Robisson, A., Daneshvar, D., Deix, K., Kirnbauer, J., Dhar, S., Liberto, T., & Pauser, M. (2021). Dämmung und frostsichere Verwendung mit recyclefähigen Betonschaum - Year 3 (No. 1).
E207-01 - Forschungsbereich Baustofflehre und Werkstofftechnologie
Report No.:
Date (published):
Number of Pages:
cement; rheology; interface; recycling
Project (external):
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This third year’s achievements include:
- Identification of two setups (Le Chatelier ring and oedometer) to evaluate internal sulfate attacks. Preliminary results with both methods seem to correlate, at least qualitatively.
- Elucidation of the detrimental effect of temperature on concrete-epoxy-concrete elements. Experiments were performed on single components and the dominating factor was identified as the lack of common window time for cement and epoxy settings.
- Proposal of a new construction method to produce lightweight thermally insulating structural concretes with an infiltration process. Fabrication of a laboratory setup as a proof-of-concept.
- Identification of non-homogeneous shear during rheological tests using the parallel plate geometry that can explain the detrimental effects of pre-shear on last year results. This heterogenous flow of cement-based slurries may be a signature of their behavior and will be investigated further.
- Quantitative measurement of silica fume de-agglomeration during UHPC dry mixing
- Identification of reliable protocols in rheology to assess the yield stress of cementitious pastes.
- Demonstration of different deformation behaviors (and particle interactions) in Portland cement and alkali-activated pastes using small amplitude oscillatory rheology
- Identification of an calcium-based additive to make PCE superplasticizers effective in alkali-activated materials.
Specific work packages are described in section 2.2. The work packages were
incorporated into the 4 sub-projects, with project abstracts in the next pages.
Team (co-authors of reports) is composed of Dana Daneshvar, Karl Deix, Subhransu Dhar, Johannes Kirnbauer, Teresa Liberto, Agathe Robisson.
Research Areas:
Materials Characterization: 50% Surfaces and Interfaces: 25% Structure-Property Relationsship: 25%