E134-03 - Forschungsbereich Atomic and Plasma Physics
The Planetary Science Journal
Datum (veröffentlicht):
American Astronomical Society ; IOP Publishing
Peer Reviewed:
olar wind; Exosphere; Mercury (planet); The Moon
We supply the modelers with a database, SpuBase (doi:10.5281/zenodo.10783295), that is based on the latest approach for obtaining solar wind ion sputter yields in agreement with experimental sputter data outlined in Jäggi et al. We include an overview of sputter results for typical Lunar and Hermean surfaces. To obtain total sputter yields for any given surface, we perform a mass balance of individual mineral sputter yields. For a set of impact angles, the angular and energy distribution data are scaled according to the sputter yield, summed up and fitted to obtain one probability distribution for each chemical element involved. Comparison of the results from different geochemical terranes on the Moon and Mercury has shown that variations in the abundance of silicates result in comparable energy and angular distribution data owing to the underlying model assumptions. The inclusion of sulfides relevant for Mercury, however, significantly affects the energy and angular distributions of sputtered particles. The application of the damage-driven sulfur diffusion rate in FeS in all sulfur-bearing minerals results in 35 times lower sulfur yields on average and a less prominent forward sputtering of sulfur at grazing incidence angles.
Die Oberflächen von Mond und Merkur: Zerstäubungsexperimente und Simulationen: I4101-N36 (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)
Projekt (extern):
Swiss National Science Foundation Fund Swiss National Science Foundation Fund Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Swiss National Science Foundation Fund