Seibert, K. (2019). Foot kinematics in healthy adults using the Oxford foot model : a comparsion of overground and treadmill walking at different speeds [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E307 - Institut für Konstruktionswissenschaften und Produktentwicklung
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menschlicher Gang; Kinematik des Fußes; Ganganalyse; Laufband
human gait; foot kinematics; gait analysis; treadmill
Data obtained from gait analysis are used for diagnostic analysis, operational preparations and preand postsurgical comparisons. Patients are asked to walk at a self-selected speed to achieve a harmonic and natural walking pattern. The aim of the study is to figure out whether and to what extent walking speed has an effect on the joint angles of the foot. Further, it should be determined if gait patterns vary significantly between walking on the treadmill to those overground as the treadmill is popular in rehabilitation. Therefore, a 3D gait analysis with 23 subjects was conducted. The measurements were executed by using the Oxford Foot Model. The subjects walked at three different self-selected speeds (normal, slow, fast) along a walkway and on the treadmill. The data was clustered according to self-selected speed and according to Schwartz et al. (2008), who used a dimensionless velocity for classification. The results show that clustering according to Schwartz et al. (2008) leads to a lower dispersion range. Here walking condition (overground vs. treadmill) has an impact on cadence and step width as well as on motion between forefoot and tibia in frontal plane and the motion between hindfoot and tibia in sagittal plane. Concerning the influence of walking speed, similar results were obtained for both conditions as tibia, forefoot, hindfoot and hallux are affected while walking overground and while walking on the treadmill. In order to prevent misdiagnosis, the effect of walking condition and walking speed on spatiotemporal parameters and joint angles of the foot should be included in the evaluation of gait analysis