Karkulik, M., Melenk, J. M., & Rieder, A. (2025). On interpolation spaces of piecewise polynomials on mixed meshes. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 59(1), 231–264. https://doi.org/10.1051/m2an/2024069
We consider fractional Sobolev spaces Hθ, θ ϵ (0, 1), on 2D domains and H¹-conforming discretizations by globally continuous piecewise polynomials on a mesh consisting of shape-regular triangles and quadrilaterals. We prove that the norm obtained from interpolating between the discrete space equipped with the L²-norm on the one hand and the H¹-norm on the other hand is equivalent to the corresponding continuous interpolation Sobolev norm, and the norm-equivalence constants are independent of meshsize and polynomial degree. This characterization of the Sobolev norm is then used to show an inverse inequality between H¹ and Hθ
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 80% Modeling and Simulation: 20%