Hu, Yifan Micallef, Luana Nöllenburg, Martin Rodgers, Peter
Organisational Unit:
E192-01 - Forschungsbereich Algorithms and Complexity
Dagstuhl Reports
Date (published):
Number of Pages:
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany
algorithms; information visualization; scalability; set visualization; visual analytics
This report documents the program and outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 17332 "Scalable Set Visu- alizations", which took place August 14-18, 2017. The interdisciplinary seminar brought together 26 researchers from different areas in computer science and beyond such as information visualization, human-computer interaction, graph drawing, algorithms, machine learning, geography, and life sciences. During the seminar we had five invited overview talks on different aspects of set visualizations as well as a few ad-hoc presentations of ongoing work. The abstracts of these talks are contained in this report. Furthermore, we formed five working groups, each of them discussing intensively about a selected open research problem that was proposed by the seminar participants in an open problem session. The second part of this report contains summaries of the groups´ findings.