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Tellioglu, H., Schinkinger, S., Pinatti de Carva, A. F., & Breskovic, I. (2013). Report on the end-users’ context and everyday life.
E193-04 - Forschungsbereich Artifact-based Computing & User Research
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Following the aim described in the project, the consortium has decided to follow a User-Centred Design (UCD) process powered by ethnographically-informed studies. In this deliverable we report about the work done in task 1.2 "Pre-Study", part of the Work Package 1: "Requirement Analysis and Identification of User Scenarios", and describe in detail the used methodology and the results of the thematic data analysis. T1.2 follows the work done in task 1.1 "Identification of End-Users" and its outcome enables us to begin with confidence the work for the T1.3 (Identification of Use Cases).