Kapitel oder Teile eines Buches, die sich mit einem Thema oder einzelnen Themenaspekten befassen. Hier finden Sie (selbständige) Kapitel in Sammelbänden, Vorworte, Beiträge in Abstract Books und Beiträge in künstlerischen Druckwerken.
Chapters or parts of a book that deal with a topic or individual aspects of a topic. Here you will find (independent) chapters of edited volumes, editorials, contributions in Abstract Books and contributions in artistic books.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in descending order): 1 to 20 of 4567
Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| Withalm, Grazia ; Unger, Brigitte ; van der Linde, Daan ; Getzner, Michael | Funding of protected areas: a purely public task? | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Kalasek, Robert ; Thuswaldner, Barbara ; Quatember, Ursula | Die Bauaufnahme: 3-D-Vermessung und Postprocessing | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Dimov, I. ; Nedjalkov, M. ; Sellier, J. M. ; Selberherr, S. ; Russo, Giovanni ; Capasso, Vincenzo ; Nicosia, Giuseppe ; Romano, Vittorio | Neumann Series Analysis of the Wigner Equation Solution | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution  | 2016 |
| Osintsev, D. ; Sverdlov, V. ; Selberherr, S. ; Russo, Giovanni ; Capasso, Vincenzo ; Nicosia, Giuseppe ; Romano, Vittorio | Electron Momentum and Spin Relaxation in Silicon Films | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution  | 2016 |
| Getzner, Birthe ; Getzner, Michael ; Bühlmann, Vera ; Chiappone-Piriou, Emmanuelle ; Fassl, Georg | History and economics of a dining table | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Arnold, Anton ; Einav, Amit ; Wöhrer, Tobias | On the rates of decay to equilibrium in degenerate and defective Fokker-Plnack equations | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Emberger, Günter ; Zukal, Heinrich | Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften E 230/1: Forschungsbereich für Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik (FVV) | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Knoflacher, Hermann ; Zukal, Heinrich | Erfolg ist an den Rahmenbedingungen zu beurteilen | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Scekic, Ognjen ; Riveni, Mirela ; Truong, Hong-Linh ; Dustdar, Schahram ; Alhajj, Reda ; Rokne, Jon | Social Interaction Analysis for Team Collaboration | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution  | 2017 |
| Scheiblauer, Claus ; Wimmer, Michael ; Zimmermann, Norbert | Workflow for Creating and Rendering Huge Point Models | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Binder, Eva ; Wang, Hui ; Schlappal, Thomas ; Zhang, Jiaolong ; Yuan, Yong ; Pichler, Bernhard ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Onate, Eugenio | Bridging the Gap Between Concrete Microstructures and Tunnel Linings | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2018 |
| Rohatsch, Andreas | Die geologischen Verhältnisse und die historische Steingewinnung von Winden am See. | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Erath, Christoph ; Praetorius, Dirk | Adaptive vertex-centered finite volume methods for general second-order linear elliptic PDEs | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Schwarz, Karlheinz ; Blaha, Peter | DFT Calculations for Real Solids | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution  | 2017 |
| Jüngel, Ansgar ; Leingang, Oliver | Blow-up of solutions to semi-discrete parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel models | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Kreuzinger, Norbert ; Matsché, Norbert ; Rossetti, Simona ; Tandoi, Valter ; Wanner, Jiri | Chapter 6: Experiences in various Countries, 6.3 AUSTRIA | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Zessner, Matthias | Water Footprint | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Jüngel, Ansgar ; Trussardi, Lara ; Ehrhardt, Matthias ; Günther, Michael ; ter Maten, Jan | Modeling of herding and wealth distribution in large markets | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
| Reimer, C. ; Melzer, T. ; Wagner, W. ; Liang, Shunlin | Long-Term Soil Moisture Data Records Derived From a Series of European Scatterometers | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2018 |
| de Snoo, Henk S.V. ; Woracek, Harald | The Krein formula in almost Pontryagin spaces. A proof via orthogonal coupling. | Buchbeitrag Book Contribution | 2017 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in descending order): 1 to 20 of 4567