Zahrer, S. (2017). The German phosphorus budget as a basis for resource optimization [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien; Diplomatische Akademie Wien]. reposiTUm.
Phosphorus is a finite resource that plays an important role in everyday life. This thesis uses current data to display phosphorus flows and sinks in Germany for the year 2015 to better analyze phosphorus consumption patterns and opportunities for resource optimization. Using Material Flow Analysis (including uncertainties) and data reconciliation performed by the software STAN, shows the magnitude of phosphorus inflow in all sectors. The results indicate an overall stock increase in phosphorus in Germany for 2015. Agriculture forms an almost closed cycle of P exchange between animal husbandry and crop farming. Already 22% of treated waste water sludge is applied in farming but the potential for recovery and reuse is much higher. Further research needs to be done on how to implement measures to reuse phosphorus on a larger scale and to achieve sustainable resource management.