| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Steinlechner, Markus ; Schumacher, Andreas ; Fuchs, Benedikt ; Reichsthaler, Luisa ; Schlund, Sebastian | A maturity model to assess digital employee competencies in industrial enterprises | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 2 | | Mörzinger, Benjamin ; Loschan, Christoph ; Kloibhofer, Florian ; Bleicher, Fritz | A modular, holistic optimization approach for industrial appliances | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 3 | | Kovacs, Klaudia ; Heistracher, Clemens ; Giner, Jakob ; Sihn, Wilfried ; Schneeweiss, Jürgen | A multi-level model for realizing data-driven maintenance in manufacturing enterprises: Use case of jewelry production | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 4 | | Pauker, Florian ; Frühwirth, Thomas ; Kittl, Burkhard ; Kastner, Wolfgang | A systematic approach to OPC UA information model design | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2016 |
| 5 | | Trautner, Thomas ; Ayatollahi, Iman ; Strutzenberger, Diana ; Frühwirth, Thomas ; Pauker, Florian ; Kittl, Burkhard | Behavioral modeling of manufacturing skills in OPC UA for automated execution by an independent cell controller | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2020 |
| 6 | | Messner, Marco ; Mauthner, Gernot ; Pauker, Florian ; Frühwirth, Thomas ; Mangler, Jürgen | Closed Loop Cycle Time Feedback to Optimize High-Mix / Low-Volume Production Planning | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2019 |
| 7 | | Rosenberger, Patrick ; Gerhard, Detlef | Context-awareness in industrial applications: definition, classification and use case | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 8 | | Fidan, Yazgül ; Lüder, Arndt ; Meixner, Kristof ; Baumann, Laura ; Arlinghaus, Julia | Decision Support for Frugal Products and Production Systems based on Product-Process-Resource-Skill & Variability Models | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 9 | | Finkeldei, Daniel ; Sexauer, Marcus ; Bleicher, Fritz | End milling of Inconel 718 using solid Si3N4 ceramic cutting tools | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2019 |
| 10 | | Dumss, Stefan ; Weber, Markus ; Schwaiger, Clemens ; Sulz, Clemens ; Rosenberger, Patrick ; Grafinger, Manfred ; Weigold, Matthias | EuProGigant – A Concept Towards an Industrial System Architecture for Data-Driven Production Systems | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 11 | | Fritsche, A. ; Bleicher, F. | Evaluating and Influencing Dressing Results by Changing the Grain Size Distribution Based on Statistical and Experimental Investigations | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2014 |
| 12 | | Wallner, Bernhard ; Trautner, Thomas ; Pauker, Florian ; Kittl, Burkhard | Evaluation of process control architectures for agile manufacturing systems | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2020 |
| 13 | | Lienert, Franziska ; Gerstenmayer, Michael ; Krall, Stephan ; Lechner, Christoph ; Trauth, Daniel ; Bleicher, Fritz ; Schulze, Volker | Experimental Study on Comparing Intensities of Burnishing and Machine Hammer Peening Processes | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2016 |
| 14 | | Stoop, Fabian ; Mayr, Josef ; Sulz, Clemens ; Bleicher, Fritz ; Wegener, Konrad | Fleet learning of thermal error compensation in machine tools | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2020 |
| 15 | | Sobottka, Thomas ; Kamhuber, Felix ; Sihn, Wilfried | Increasing Energy Efficiency in Production Environments Through an Optimized, Hybrid Simulation-based Planning of Production and Its Periphery | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2017 |
| 16 | | Rupprecht, Patrick ; Kueffner-Mccauley, Hans ; Schlund, Sebastian | Information provision utilizing a dynamic projection system in industrial site assembly | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2020 |
| 17 | | Mansour, Solmaz ; Trautner, Thomas ; Pauker, Florian | Integrated tool lifecycle | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2018 |
| 18 | | Erol, Selim ; Sihn, Wilfried | Intelligent Production Planning and Control in the Cloud – towards a Scalable Software Architecture | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2017 |
| 19 | | Sulz, Clemens ; Brier, Jens ; Agovic, Amir ; Bleicher, Friedrich | Investigation of the thermal compensation behaviour of zero-point clamping systems | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2020 |
| 20 | | Denzler, Patrick ; Scheuchenstuhl, Daniel ; Ramsauer, Daniel ; Kastner, Wolfgang | Modelling protocol gateways for cyber-physical systems using Architecture Analysis & Design Language | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |