54th Denver X-ray Conference

Event name
54th Denver X-ray Conference
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Denver (USA)
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
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Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Ostachowicz, B. ; Lankosz, M. ; Tomik, B. ; Adamek, D. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Kregsamer, Peter Application of the TXRF Method for the Elemental Analysis of the Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.Präsentation Presentation2005
2Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Streli, Christina ; Jokubonis, C. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Giubertoni, D. ; Bersani, M. ; Falkenberg, G. Characterisation of Arsenic Ultra Shallow Junctions by grazing Incidence Fluorescence EXAFSPräsentation Presentation2005
3Ferreyro, R. ; Pyzalla, Anke ; Cernohlawek, Nina ; Jokubonis, C. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Sander, M. Determination of the Element Distribution in Sauropod Bones By Micro-XRFPräsentation Presentation2005
4Wobrauschek, Peter EDXRS-detectorsPräsentation Presentation2005
5Streli, Christina EDXRS-Sources-spectral modifications/opticsPräsentation Presentation2005
6Kataoka, Y. ; Kawahara, N. ; Hara, S. ; Yamada, Y. ; Matsuo, T. ; Mantler, Michael Fundamental parameter method using scattering X-rays in X-ray fluorescence analysisPräsentation Presentation2005
7Ebel, Horst Fundamental parameter programs: algorithms for the description of K-, L- and M spectra of X-ray tubesPräsentation Presentation2005
8Gardner, R.P. ; Sood, A. ; Mantler, Michael ; Guo, W. Monte Carlo Techniques in XRFPräsentation Presentation2005
9Wobrauschek, Peter ; Cernohlawek, Nina ; Streli, Christina ; Zöger, N. Parameter Studies for an Optimized XRF-Determination of Pb in BonePräsentation Presentation2005
10Beckhoff, B. ; Gerlach, M. ; Kolbe, M. ; Müller, Martin ; Ulm, G. ; Karydas, A.G. ; Zarkadas, Ch. ; Geralis, T. ; Kousouris, K. ; Kawahara, N. ; Yamada, T. ; Mantler, Michael Quantitative investigation of the enhancement of X-ray fluorescence of light elements by photoelectron secondary exitationPräsentation Presentation2005
11Mantler, Michael ; Vrebos, B. ; Elam, W.T. Quantitative XRF IPräsentation Presentation2005
12Mantler, Michael ; Vrebos, B. ; Elam, W.T. Quantitative XRF IIPräsentation Presentation2005
13Mantler, Michael Standardless XRFPräsentation Presentation2005
14Wobrauschek, Peter ; Gruber, Xavier ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Streli, Christina TXRF Analysis of drinking Water and Austrian WinePräsentation Presentation2005
15Hoefler, H. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Zaray, G. TXRF Analysis of Low Z Elements in Environmental SamplesPräsentation Presentation2005
16Broekaert, J.A. ; Peschel, B.U. ; Fittschen, U. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Jokubonis, C. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Falkenberg, G. Ultratrace Element Analysis with Sr-TXRF at Beamline L for Aerosol and Al-Oxide SamplesPräsentation Presentation2005