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1Illeditsch-2022-Geosciences-vor.pdf.jpgIlleditsch, Mariella ; Preh, Alexander ; Sausgruber, Johann Thomas Challenges Assessing Rock Slope Stability Using the Strength Reduction Method with the Hoek–Brown Criterion on the Example of Vals (Tyrol/Austria)Article Artikel 21-Jun-2022
2Meinander, Outi ; Kasper-Giebl, Anne ; Becagli, Silvia ; Aurela, Minna ; Kau, Daniela ; Calzolai, Giulia ; Schöner, Wolfgang Intercomparison Experiment of Water-Insoluble Carbonaceous Particles in Snow in a High-Mountain Environment (1598 m a.s.l.)Article Artikel 2022
3Altmann-2023-Geosciences-vor.pdf.jpgAltmann, Moritz ; Ramskogler, Katharina ; Mikolka-Flöry, Sebastian ; Pfeiffer, Madlene ; Haas, Florian ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Rom, Jakob ; Fleischer, Fabian ; Himmelstoß, Toni ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Ressl, Camillo ; Tasser, Erich ; Becht, Michael Quantitative Long-Term Monitoring (1890–2020) of Morphodynamic and Land-Cover Changes of a LIA Lateral Moraine SectionArticle Artikel 2023