Production and Manufacturing Research

Title Titel
Production and Manufacturing Research
Publisher Herausgeber
Taylor & Francis
Peer reviewed Begutachtet
Listed in DOAJ Aufgelisted im DOAJ

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Eder, Michael An analytical approach for a performance calculation of shuttle-based storage and retrieval systemsArtikel Article 2019
2Eder, Michael An analytical approach for a performance calculation of shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems with multiple-deep and class-based storageArtikel Article 2022
3Zigart, Tanja ; Kormann-Hainzl, Gerhard ; Lovasz-Bukvova, Helena ; Hölzl, Marvin ; Moser, Thomas ; Schlund, Sebastian From lab to industry: lessons learned from the evaluation of augmented and virtual reality use cases in the Austrian manufacturing industryArticle Artikel 2023
4Kames-2023-Production and Manufacturing Research-vor.pdf.jpgKames, David ; Mamasioulas, Aristidis ; Sebastian, Schlund ; Chryssolouris, George Hardware start-ups and manufacturing innovationArticle Artikel 2023
5Jandl-2023-Production and Manufacturing Research-vor.pdf.jpgJandl, Christian ; Zafari, Setareh ; Taurer, Florian ; Hartner-Tiefenthaler, Martina ; Schlund, Sebastian Location-based monitoring in production environments: does transparency help to increase the acceptance of monitoring?Article Artikel 2023