Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe

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E370 - Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe
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Active Aktiv

Results 81-100 of 4294 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
81Hutterer, Markus ; Schrödl, Manfred Modeling and mu-synthesis control of a flexible rotor stabilized by active magnetic bearings including current free controlArticle Artikel 3-Mar-2023
82Loschan, Christoph ; Schwabeneder, Daniel ; Lettner, Georg ; Auer, Hans Flexibility potential of aggregated electric vehicle fleets to reduce transmission congestions and redispatch needs: A case study in AustriaArticle Artikel Mar-2023
83Putz, Dominik ; Gumhalter, Michael ; Auer, Hans The true value of a forecast: Assessing the impact of accuracy on local energy communitiesArticle Artikel Mar-2023
84Golab, Antonia Kostenoptimale Investitionspfade in die Verkehrsinfrastruktur für die Dekarbonisierung im Transeuropäischen VerkehrsnetzPresentation Vortrag17-Feb-2023
85Akhatova, Ardak ; Derkenbaeva, Erkinai ; Kranzl, Lukas ; van Leeuwen, Eveline Underlying determinants of energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption: factor analysis based on the Dutch household surveyPresentation Vortrag17-Feb-2023
86Conselvan, Francesca ; Mascherbauer, Philipp ; Harringer, Daniel Neural network to generate synthetic building electrical load profilesPresentation Vortrag17-Feb-2023
87Pezzutto-2023-Sustainability-vor.pdf.jpgPezzutto, Simon ; Quaglini, Giulio ; Riviere, Philippe ; Kranzl, Lukas ; Novelli, Antonio ; Zambito, Andrea ; Bottecchia, Luigi ; Wilczynski, Eric John Process Cooling Market in Europe: Assessment of the Final Energy Consumption for the Year 2016Article Artikel 17-Feb-2023
88Sayer, Marlene Sophia ; Haas, Reinhard ; Ajanovic, Amela Seasonal hydrogen storage in different renewable electricity scenarios in the Austrian power systemPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
89Loschan, Christoph ; Schwabeneder, Daniel ; Lettner, Georg Alexander Wasserstoff als kurzfristige Flexibilität und saisonaler Speicher in einem sektorgekoppelten StrommarktPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
90Fallahnejad, Mostafa Validation of building stock heat demand estimation using consumption data under GDPRPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
91Radosits, Frank Karl ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard Production costs analysis of increased renewable methane output through CO₂ utilizationPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
92Özer, Fatma Ece ; Kranzl, Lukas ; Müller, Andreas ; Fotiou, Theofano ; Krekeler, Robin ; Alibas, Sirin ; Zakeri, Behnam What are common insights of decarbonisation scenarios derived from different building stock models?Presentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
93Mascherbauer, Philipp ; Heidenthaler, Daniel ; Kranzl, Lukas ; Yu, Songmin Validation of modeling smart energy management systems in reduced order models with building simulation modelsPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
94Maldet, Matthias ; Lettner, Georg Alexander ; Schwabeneder, Daniel Local Sustainable Communities: Ressourcennutzung in Energiegemeinschaften jenseits der Community GrenzenPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
95Ajanovic, Amela Development of electric passenger cars during the COVID-crisisInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag15-Feb-2023
96Kök, Ali ; Billerbeck, Anna ; Manz, Pia ; Kranzl, Lukas ; Hummel, Marcus Modelling District Heating Supply Patterns in a Decarbonised EU-Wide Energy SystemPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
97Suna, Demet ; Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Hasengst, Florian ; Totschnig Gerhard SECURES: Securing Austria’s electricity supply in times of climate change – overview on scenario design and modelling assumptionsPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
98Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Hasengst, Florian ; Suna, Demet ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig Gerhard SECURES: Securing Austria's Electricity Supply In Times Of Climate Change – Results And Conclusions From The Model-Based AnalysisPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
99Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Suna, Demet ; Hasengst, Florian ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig Gerhard ; Formayer, Herbert ; Philipp Maier ; Leidinger, David Modelling the impact of climate change on electricity generation and demandPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
100Formayer, Herbert ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Hasengst, Florian ; Suna, Demet ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig, Gerhard ; Nadeem, Imram ; Maier, Philipp ; Leidinger, David An European wide meteorological data set suitable for electricity modelling (supply and demand for actual climate and climate change projections)Presentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023