Forschungsbereich Analysis

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E101-01 - Forschungsbereich Analysis
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Research Division
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Active Aktiv


Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Results 1-20 of 1683 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Dareiotis, Konstantinos ; Gerencsér, Máté ; Lê, Khoa Quantifying a convergence theorem of Gyöngy and KrylovArticle Artikel Jun-2023
2Butkovsky, Oleg ; Dareiotis, Konstantinos ; Gerencsér, Máté Optimal Rate of Convergence for Approximations of SPDEs with Nonregular DriftArticle Artikel Apr-2023
3Woracek, Harald Indefinite Hamiltonian systems whose Weyl coefficient has no finite generalized poles of non-positive typePresentation Vortrag18-Dec-2022
4Eichinger, Benjamin ; Fillman, Jake ; Gwaltney, Ethan ; Lukić, Milivoje Limit-periodic Dirac operators with thin spectraArticle Artikel 15-Dec-2022
5Gerencsér, Máté ; Hairer, Martin Boundary renormalisation of SPDEsArticle Artikel 27-Aug-2022
6Bresciani, Marco ; Davoli, Elisa ; Kruzik, Martin Existence results in large-strain magnetoelasticityArticle Artikel 26-Aug-2022
7Pruckner, Raphael ; Woracek, Harald Limit behavior of Weyl coefficientsArticle Artikel 24-Aug-2022
8Desoeuvres, Aurélien ; Szmolyan, Peter ; Radulescu, Ovidiu ; Petre Ion ; Păun Andrei Qualitative Dynamics of Chemical Reaction Networks: An Investigation Using Partial Tropical EquilibrationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag19-Aug-2022
9Woracek, Harald Spectral Theory of canonical systems: discreteness of spectrum and density of eigenvaluesPresentation Vortrag8-Jul-2022
10Woracek, Harald A growth estimate for the monodromy matrix of a canonical systemPresentation Vortrag28-Jun-2022
11Iuorio, Annalisa ; Jankowiak, Gaspard ; Szmolyan, Peter ; Wolfram, Marie-Therese A PDE model for unidirectional flows: Stationary profiles and asymptotic behaviourArticle Artikel 15-Jun-2022
12Jüngel, Ansgar ; Zamponi, Nicola Analysis of a fractional cross-diffusion system for multi-species populationsArtikel Article 2022
13Jüngel, Ansgar ; Portisch, Stefan ; Zurek, Antoine Nonlocal cross-diffusion systems for multi-species populations and networksArtikel Article 2022
14Jüngel, Ansgar ; Stefanelli, Ulisse ; Trussardi, Lara A minimizing-movements approach to GENERIC systemsArtikel Article 2022
15Arnold, Anton Hypocoercivity and hypocontractivity concepts for linear dynamical systemsPräsentation Presentation2022
16Arnold, Anton Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibriumPräsentation Presentation2022
17Davoli, Elisa ; Di Fratta, Giovanni ; Praetorius, Dirk ; Ruggeri, Michele Micromagnetics of thin films in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactionArtikel Article 2022
18Körner, Jannis ; Arnold, Anton ; Döpfner, Kirian WKB-based scheme with adaptive step size control for the Schr ̈odinger equation in the highly oscillatory regimeArtikel Article 2022
19Arnold, Anton ; Schmeiser, Christian ; Signorello, Beatrice Propagator norm and sharp decay estimates for Fokker-Planck equations with linear driftArtikel Article 2022
20Detmann, Bettina ; Gavioli, Chiara ; Krejčí, Pavel ; Lamač, Jan ; Namlyeyeva, Yuliya A model for lime consolidation of porous solidsArtikel Article 2022