Forschungsgruppe Polymerchemie und Technologie

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E163-02-1 - Forschungsgruppe Polymerchemie und Technologie
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Results 1-20 of 1423 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Fantoni-2023-ACS Applied Polymer Materials-vor.pdf.jpgFantoni, Antonella ; Koch, Thomas ; Baudis, Stefan ; Liska, Robert Synthesis and Characterization of Homogeneous Epoxy Networks: Development of a Sustainable Material Platform Using Epoxy-Alcohol PolyadditionArticle Artikel 13-Jan-2023
2Schandl-2022-Reactive and Functional Polymers-vor.pdf.jpgSchandl, Stephan ; Koch, Thomas ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Liska, Robert Pure aliphatic polycarbonate networks via photoinduced anionic ring-opening polymerization at elevated temperatureArticle Artikel Jan-2023
3Keck-2023-Biomacromolecules-vor.pdf.jpgKeck, Sarah ; Liske, Olga ; Seidler, Konstanze ; Steyrer, Bernhard ; Gorsche, Christian ; Knaus, Simone ; Baudis, Stefan Synthesis of a Liquid Lignin-Based Methacrylate Resin and Its Application in 3D Printing without Any Reactive DiluentsArticle Artikel 2023
4Grob, Benjamin ; Frieser, Benedikt ; Liska, Robert ; Catel, Yohann Evaluation of allyl sulfides bearing methacrylate groups as addition-fragmentation chain transfer agents for low shrinkage dental compositesArticle Artikel 5-Dec-2022
5Gorsche, Christian ; Reghunathan, Harikrishna ; Baudis, Stefan ; Knaack, Patrick ; Husar, Branislav ; Läuger, Jörg ; Hoffmann, Helmuth ; Liska, Robert Photorheology: A Versatile Tool to Unravel Photopolymerization ProcessesPresentation Vortrag18-Nov-2022
6Haslinger-2022-CHEMPHOTOCHEM-vor.pdf.jpgHaslinger, Carola ; Leutgeb, Lukas Philipp ; Haas, Michael ; Baudis, Stefan ; Liska, Robert Synthesis and Photochemical Investigation of TetraacylgermanesArticle Artikel 21-Oct-2022
7Taschner-2022-ACS Applied Polymer Materials-vor.pdf.jpgTaschner, Roland ; Liska, Robert ; Knaack, Patrick Iodonium Borate Initiators for Cationic Photopolymerization and Their Application in Radical-Induced Cationic Frontal PolymerizationArticle Artikel 14-Oct-2022
8Ahmadi, Mojtaba ; Göschl, Michael ; Liska, Robert ; Stampfl, Jürgen A Study on Photopolymerization Kinetic Effects on the Microstructure of Phase separated (Meth)acrylatesPresentation Vortrag27-Sep-2022
9Schmidbauer, Anna ; Richter, Florian ; Marolt Presen, Darja ; Baudis, Stefan Hydrogels Based on Human Platelet Lysate - a chance for improved osseointegration of artificial bone implants?Presentation VortragSep-2022
10Mete-2022-Polymer International-vor.pdf.jpgMete, Yazgan ; Seidler, Konstanze ; Gorsche, Christian ; Koch, Thomas ; Knaack, Patrick ; Liska, Robert Cationic photopolymerization of cyclic esters at elevated temperatures and their application in hot lithographyArticle Artikel Sep-2022
11Kury-2022-Polymer International-ao.pdf.jpgKury, Markus ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Gorsche, Christian ; Dorfinger, Peter ; Koch, Thomas ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Liska, Robert Regulated acrylate networks as tough photocurable materials for additive manufacturingArticle Artikel Jul-2022
12Achleitner, Birgit ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Knaack, Patrick ; Limbeck, Andreas Investigation of the Imidization Degree of Polyimides using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)Presentation VortragJul-2022
13Steindl-2022-Polymer International-vor.pdf.jpgSteindl, Johannes ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Gorsche, Christian ; Huang, Ching-Chung ; Koch, Thomas ; Steinbauer, Patrick ; Rohatschek, Andreas ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Thurner, Philipp J. ; Prado‐Roller, Alexand ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Liska, Robert Maleimide‐styrene‐butadiene terpolymers: acrylonitrile‐butadiene‐styrene inspired photopolymers for additive manufacturingArticle Artikel Jul-2022
14Reichsöllner, Raffael ; Schmidbauer, Anna ; Puljic, Ana ; Hackethal, Johannes ; Redl, Heinz ; Baudis, Stefan Behavior of Dual-Crosslinked Gelatin and its Potential Influence on VascularizationPresentation Vortrag30-Jun-2022
15Wolff, Raffael ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Knaack, Patrick ; Seidler, Konstanze ; Gorsche, Christian ; Koch, Thomas ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Liska, Robert Photo-chemically induced polycondensation of a pure phenolic resin for additive manufacturingPresentation Vortrag29-Jun-2022
16Ruppitsch, Larissa Alena ; Peer, Gernot ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Koch, Thomas ; Liska, Robert Low Shrinkage Networks of Difunctional Cyclopolymerizable Monomers via photo-induced Radical PolymerizationPresentation Vortrag29-Jun-2022
17Ricke, Alexander ; Dellago, Barbara ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Liska, Robert ; Baudis, Stefan Cyclic acetals as photopolymerizable precursors for degradable biomaterialsPresentation Vortrag28-Jun-2022
18Steinbauer, Patrick ; Sinawehl, Lisa ; Liska, Robert ; Baudis, Stefan One-Step Photopolymerizable Adhesives for Bone Fracture FixationPresentation Vortrag28-Jun-2022
19Rohatschek, Andreas ; Steinbauer, Patrick ; Baudis, Stefan ; Thurner, Philipp Experimental investigation of Tropocollagen mechancisPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2022
20Taschner, Roland ; Knaack, Patrick ; Liska, Robert New Onium Salts as Initiators for Cationic Polymerization, especially Radical Induced Cationic Frontal PolymerizationPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2022