Forschungsgruppe Bioprozess-Technologie

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E166-04-1 - Forschungsgruppe Bioprozess-Technologie
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Results 1-20 of 741 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Mueller-2023-Computers and Chemical Engineering-vor.pdf.jpgMüller, Don Fabian ; Wibbing, Daniel ; Herwig, Christoph ; Kager, Julian Simultaneous real-time estimation of maximum substrate uptake capacity and yield coefficient in induced microbial culturesArticle Artikel May-2023
2Romann-2023-Biochemical Engineering Journal-vor.pdf.jpgRomann, Patrick ; Kolar, Jakub ; Chappuis, Loïc ; Herwig, Christoph ; Villiger, Thomas K. ; Bielser, Jean-Marc Maximizing yield of perfusion cell culture processes: Evaluation and scale-up of continuous bleed recyclingArticle Artikel Apr-2023
3Oberleitner-2023-AAPS Open-vor.pdf.jpgOberleitner, Thomas ; Zahel, Thomas ; Kunzelmann, Marco ; Thoma, Judith ; Herwig, Christoph Incorporating random effects in biopharmaceutical control strategiesArticle Artikel 1-Feb-2023
4Herwig, Christoph Deployment of digital twins along the product life cyclePresentation Vortrag18-Nov-2022
5Herwig, Christoph Automated Identification, Adaption and Deployment of Digital Twins to the Product Life CyclePresentation Vortrag1-Nov-2022
6Oberleitner-2022-Bioengineering-vor.pdf.jpgOberleitner, Thomas ; Zahel, Thomas ; Pretzner, Barbara ; Herwig, Christoph Holistic Design of Experiments Using an Integrated Process ModelArticle Artikel Nov-2022
8Taylor-2022-Bioengineering-vor.pdf.jpgTaylor, Christopher ; Pretzner, Barbara ; Zahel, Thomas ; Herwig, Christoph Architectural and Technological Improvements to Integrated Bioprocess Models towards Real-Time ApplicationsArticle Artikel 9-Oct-2022
9Herwig, Christoph Feedback control solution for maximum productivity in continuous microbial biomanufacturingPresentation Vortrag30-Sep-2022
10Marschall-2022-Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgMarschall, Lukas ; Taylor, Christopher ; Zahel, Thomas ; Kunzelmann, Marco ; Wiedenmann, Alexander ; Presser, Beate ; Studts, Joey ; Herwig, Christoph Specification-driven acceptance criteria for validation of biopharmaceutical processesArticle Artikel 23-Sep-2022
11Herwig, Christoph Precision fermentation strategies for novel food proteinsPresentation Vortrag20-Sep-2022
12Herwig, Christoph Needs and Solutions using Digital Twins for Bioprocess IntensificationPresentation Vortrag9-Sep-2022
13Pfluegl-2022-Acetobacterium woodii as a flexible and robust host for forma...-ao.pdf.jpgPflügl, Stefan ; Neuendorf, Christian Simon ; Vignolle, Gabriel Alexander ; Novak, Katharina ; Zimmermann, Christian ; Tomin, Tamara ; Mach, Robert ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth Acetobacterium woodii as a flexible and robust host for formate-based bioproductionPresentation Vortrag 11-Aug-2022
14Maschke-2022-Bioengineering-vor.pdf.jpgMaschke, Rüdiger W. ; Pretzner, Barbara ; John, Gernot T. ; Herwig, Christoph ; Eibl, Dieter Improved Time Resolved KPI and Strain Characterization of Multiple Hosts in Shake Flasks Using Advanced Online Analytics and Data ScienceArticle Artikel 25-Jul-2022
15Herwig, Christoph Benefits of digital twins along the biopharma product life cyclePresentation Vortrag4-Jul-2022
16Herwig, Christoph Automated Identification, Adaption and Deployment of Digital Twins to the Product Life CyclePresentation Vortrag30-Jun-2022
17Herwig, Christoph Data Science or PAT as Control Strategies for Continuous BiomanufacturingPresentation Vortrag22-Jun-2022
18Pflügl, Stefan Highly efficient and flexible: acetogens as promising hosts for the utilization of CO₂-derived miscible and gaseous one-carbon feedstocksPresentation Vortrag3-Jun-2022
19Kager-2022-Chemical Engineering Research and Design-vor.pdf.jpgKager, Julian ; Bartlechner, Johanna ; Herwig, Christoph ; Jakubek, Stefan Direct control of recombinant protein production rates in E. coli fed-batch processes by nonlinear feedback linearizationArticle Artikel Jun-2022
20Vees-2022-Bioresource Technology-vor.pdf.jpgVees, Charlotte Anne ; Herwig, Christoph ; Pflügl, Stefan Mixotrophic co-utilization of glucose and carbon monoxide boosts ethanol and butanol productivity of continuous Clostridium carboxidivorans culturesArticle Artikel Jun-2022