| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Miksovsky, Philipp ; Kornpointner, Christoph ; Lanaridi, Olga ; Sainz Martinez, Aitor ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Eder, Dominik ; Schnürch, Michael ; Halbwirth, Heidrun ; Schröder, Katharina | Waste valorization. Recovery of valuable compounds from waste materials with alternative solvents | Presentation Vortrag | 26-May-2023 |
| 2 | | Burger, Isabella ; Schmal, Matthias ; Zimmermann, Christian ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth ; Schittmayer-Schantl, Matthias | Proteomics, metabolomics and molecular networking as tools for the investigation of fungal RiPPs | Presentation Vortrag | 14-Apr-2023 |
| 3 | | Luethi, Dino ; Maier, Julian ; Rudin, Deborah ; Szöllősi, Daniel ; Angenoorth, Thomas J.F. ; Stankovic, Stevan ; Schittmayer, Matthias ; Burger, Isabella ; Yang, Jae-Won ; Jaentsch, Kathrin ; Holy, Marion ; Das, Anand Kant ; Brameshuber, Mario ; Camacho-Hernandez, Gisela Andrea ; Casiraghi, Andrea ; Newman, Amy Hauck ; Kudlacek, Oliver ; Birner-Gruenberger, Ruth ; Stockner, Thomas ; Schütz, Gerhard J. ; Sitte, Harald H | Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) facilitates norepinephrine transporter dimerization and modulates substrate efflux | Article Artikel  | 17-Nov-2022 |
| 4 |  | Fischer, Thomas ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Assis, Ana Cristina ; Elad, Michal Levin ; Algarra, Manuel ; Barac, Marko ; Bogdanovic Radovic, Iva ; Cicconi, Flavio ; Claes, Britt ; Frascione, Nunzianda ; George, Sony ; Guedes, Alexandra ; Heaton, Cameron ; Heeren, Ron ; Lazic, Violeta ; Lerma, José Luis ; Martinez de Yuso Garcia, Maria del Valle ; Nosko, Martin ; O'Hara, John ; Oshina, Ilze ; Palucci, Antonio ; Pawlaczyk, Aleksandra ; Pospíšková, Kristýna Zelená ; de Puit, Marcel ; Radodic, Ksenija ; Rēpele, Māra ; Ristova, Mimoza ; Romolo, Francesco Saverio ; Šafařík, Ivo ; Siketic, Zdravko ; Spigulis, Janis ; Szynkowska-Jozwik, Malgorzata Iwona ; Tsiatsiuyeu, Andrei ; Vella, Joanna ; Dawson, Lorna ; Rödiger, Stefan ; Francese, Simona | Profiling and imaging of forensic evidence - A pan-European forensic round robin study part 1: Document forgery | Article Artikel  | Jul-2022 |
| 5 |  | Manousi, Natalia ; Deliyanni, Eleni A ; Rosenberg, Egon Erwin ; Zachariadis, George A. | Magnetic solid-phase extraction of caffeine from surface water samples with a micro-meso porous activated carbon/Fe3O4 nanocomposite prior to its determination by GC-MS | Article Artikel  | 28-May-2021 |
| 6 |  | Limbeck, Andreas ; Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Lohninger, Johann ; Pořízka, Pavel ; Modlitbová, Pavlína ; Kaiser, Jozef ; Janovszky, Patrick ; Kéri, Albert ; Galbács, Gábor | Methodology and applications of elemental mapping by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy | Article Artikel  | 22-Feb-2021 |
| 7 | | Malissa, Antonia ; Capa, Federica ; Schreiner, Manfred ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina | Detailed Analysis of Parchment Degradation by ATR-FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |
| 8 | | Malissa, Antonia ; Schreiner, Manfred ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina | Step by Step: Development of an In-solution Digestion Protocol for the Study of Collagen Degradation in Parchment | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2021 |
| 9 | | Weiss, Victor U. ; Frank, Johannes ; Piplits, Kurt ; Szymanski, Wladyslaw W. ; Allmaier, Günter | Bipolar corona discharge-based charge equilibration for nano electrospray gas-phase electrophoretric mobility molecular analysis of bio- and polymer nanoparticles | Artikel Article  | 2020 |
| 10 |  | Bonta, Maximilian ; Limbeck, Andreas | Metal analysis in polymers using tandem LA-ICP-MS/LIBS: eliminating matrix effects using multivariate calibration | Article Artikel  | Oct-2018 |
| 11 | | Szedlak, Rolf ; Harrer, Andreas ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Holzbauer, Martin ; Waclawek, Johannes Paul ; Tütüncü, Erhan ; Kokoric, Vjekoslav ; MacFarland, Donald ; Zederbauer, Tobias ; Detz, Hermann ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Schrenk, Werner ; Mizaikoff, Boris ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Strasser, Gottfried | Commutable Monolithic QC Laser/Detector System for Remote Sensing | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2017 |
| 12 | | Kotlowski, Caroline ; Larisika, Melanie ; Guerin, Patrick M. ; Kleber, Christoph ; Kröber, Thomas ; Mastrogiacomo, Rosa ; Nowak, Christoph ; Pelosi, Paolo ; Schütz, Stefan ; Schwaighofer, Andreas ; Knoll, Wolfgang | Fine discrimination of volatile compounds by graphene-immobilized odorant-binding proteins | Artikel Article  | 2017 |
| 13 | | Bonazza, Klaus ; Scheichl, Bernhard ; Frank, Johannes ; Rottensteiner, Hanspeter ; Schrenk, Gerald ; Friedbacher, Gernot ; Turecek, Peter L. ; Scheiflinger, Friedrich ; Allmaier, Günter | A bio-inspired method for direct measurement of local wall shear rates with micrometer loclization using the multimeric protein von Willebrand factor as sensor molecule | Artikel Article  | 2017 |
| 14 |  | Limbeck, Andreas ; Rupp, Ghislain ; Kubicek, Markus ; Téllez, Helena ; Druce, John ; Ishihara, Tatsumi ; Kilner, John ; Fleig, Jürgen | Dynamic etching of soluble surface layers with on-line inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection – a novel approach for determination of complex metal oxide surface cation stoichiometry | Article Artikel  | 28-Jun-2016 |
| 15 | | Mayer, R.E. ; Bofill-Mas, S. ; Egle, L. ; Reischer, G.H. ; Schade, M. ; Fernandez-Cassi, X. ; Fuchs, W. ; Mach, R.L. ; Lindner, G. ; Kirschner, A. ; Gaisbauer, M. ; Piringer, H. ; Blaschke, A.P. ; Girones, R. ; Zessner, M. ; Sommer, R. ; Farnleitner, A.H. | Occurrence of human-associated Bacteroidetes genetic source tracking markers in raw and treated wastewater of municipal and domestic origin and comparison to standard and alternative indicators of faecal pollution | Artikel Article  | 2016 |
| 16 | | Tütüncü, Erhan ; Kokoric, Vjekoslav ; Szedlak, Rolf ; MacFarland, Donald ; Zederbauer, Tobias ; Detz, Hermann ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Schrenk, Werner ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Mizaikoff, Boris | Advanced gas sensors based on substrate-integrated hollow waveguides and dual-color ring quantum cascade lasers | Artikel Article  | 2016 |
| 17 | | Pittenauer, Ernst ; Rados, Edita ; Koulakiotis, Nikolaos-Stavros ; Tsarbopoulos, Anthony ; Allmaier, Günter | Processed stigmas of Crocus sativus L. imaged by MALDI-based MS | Artikel Article  | 2016 |
| 18 | | Cappa, Federica ; Pintus, Valentina ; Ofner, Johannes ; Schreiner, Manfred ; Lendl, Bernhard | Raman imaging for cultural heritage investigations | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2015 |
| 19 | | Cappa, Federica ; Schreiner, Manfred ; Ofner, Johannes ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Lehner, Astrid ; Trnek, Renate | The green paints in the paradise wing of the triptych The Last Judgement by Hieronymus Bosch in the Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2015 |
| 20 | | Bonazza, Klaus ; Rottensteiner, Hanspeter ; Schrenk, Gerald ; Frank, Johannes ; Allmaier, Günter ; Turecek, Peter ; Friedbacher, Gernot | Shear dependence of von Willebrand Factor's interactions with Factor VIII and ADAMTS13 demonstrated at single molecule level by AFM | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2015 |