| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Blume, Raoul ; Hävecker, Michael ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Rupprechter, Günther ; Klötzer, Bernhard ; Fleig, Jürgen | Electrochemical in-situ characterisation of solid oxide cell surface chemistry | Presentation Vortrag | 2-May-2023 |
| 2 | | Biber, Herbert Alexander ; Brötzner, J. ; Jäggi, N. ; Szabo, Paul ; Pichler, J. ; Cupak, C. ; Voith, Caroline ; Cserveny, Benjamin ; Nenning, Andreas ; Mutzke, A. ; Moro, M. V. ; Primetzhofer, D. ; Mezger, K. ; Galli, A. ; Wurz, P. ; Aumayr, Friedrich | Sputtering Behavior of Rough, Polycrystalline Mercury Analogs | Article Artikel  | 13-Dec-2022 |
| 3 | | Bumberger, Andreas ; Steinbach, Claudia ; Ring, Joseph ; Fleig, Juergen | Mass and Charge Transport in Li1-δCoO2 Thin Films-A Complete Set of Properties and Its Defect Chemical Interpretation | Article Artikel  | 13-Dec-2022 |
| 4 | | Steinbach, Claudia ; Schmid, Alexander ; Nenning, Andreas ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen | Investigating the space charge at mixed ionic and electronic conducting oxide heterojunctions | Presentation Vortrag | 6-Oct-2022 |
| 5 | | Schmid, Alexander ; Krammer, Martin ; Fleig, Jürgen | Rechargeable oxide ion batteries based on mixed conducting intercalation electrodes | Presentation Vortrag | 6-Oct-2022 |
| 6 | | Krammer, Martin ; Schmid, Alexander ; Bumberger, Andreas ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Nenning, Andreas ; Herzig, Christopher ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen | High-pressure oxygen in closed pores of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ electrodes | Presentation Vortrag | 6-Oct-2022 |
| 7 | | Klein, Philip ; Schmid, Alexander ; Bumberger, Andreas ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Podsednik, Maximilian ; Artner, Werner ; Fleig, Jürgen | Investigation and feasibility study of SrTiO3 thin films in high – temperature solid oxide solar cells | Presentation Vortrag | 6-Oct-2022 |
| 8 | | Fleig, Jürgen | Thermodynamics and kinetics of SOCs | Presentation Vortrag | 5-Oct-2022 |
| 9 | | Schmid, Alexander ; Krammer, Martin ; Fleig, Jürgen | Rechargeable oxide ion intercalation batteries | Presentation Vortrag | 5-Oct-2022 |
| 10 | | Viernstein, Alexander ; Kubicek, Markus ; Morgenbesser, Maximilian ; Huber, Tobias M. ; Ellmeyer, Emil ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Vaz, Carlos ; Fleig, Jürgen | Mechanism of photo-ionic stoichiometry changes in SrTiO₃ | Article Artikel  | 1-Oct-2022 |
| 11 | | Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Summerer, Harald ; Nenning, Andreas ; Rameshan, Christoph | Catalyst Particles Caught Between two Stools: Reversible Activity Switching by Applying Electrochemical Polarization | Presentation Vortrag | 30-Sep-2022 |
| 12 | | Rath, Kristin ; Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl | Reaction Kinetics and high mobility of Pt thin film electrodes on an yttria-stabilised ZrO2 electrolyte under the application of bias voltage | Presentation Vortrag | 29-Sep-2022 |
| 13 | | Böhme, Christin ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Raznjevic Sergej ; Riedl, Christoph ; Zhang Zhongjian, Zhongjian ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Kubicek, Markus | Defect and strain characterization of multilayered SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ | La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ thin film electrodes via in-situ impedance spectroscopy during pulsed laser deposition | Presentation Vortrag | 29-Sep-2022 |
| 14 | | Krammer, Martin ; Schmid, Alexander ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Nenning, Andreas ; Bumberger, Andreas ; Herzig, Christopher ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen | Closed porosity causing extreme oxygen pressures in solid oxide electrolyis anodes | Presentation Vortrag | 29-Sep-2022 |
| 15 | | Rath, Kirsten ; Nenning, Andreas ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Opitz, Alexander Karl | Reaction Kinetics and high mobility of Pt thin film electrodes on an yttriastabilised ZrO2 electrolyte under the application of bias voltage | Presentation Vortrag | 28-Sep-2022 |
| 16 | | Muhammad, Qaisar Khushi ; Scherer, Michael ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Taibl, Stefanie ; Boehme, Christin ; Rohnke, Marcus ; Janek, Jürgen ; Gao, Shuang ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Frömling, Till | Dislocation-Mediated Oxygen–Ionic Conductivity in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia | Article Artikel  | 22-Sep-2022 |
| 17 | | Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Summerer, Harald ; Nenning, Andreas ; Rameshan, Christoph | The Good, the Bad and the Voltage: Electrochemical Activity Switching of Exsolution Catalysts | Presentation Vortrag | 20-Sep-2022 |
| 18 | | Rath, Kirsten ; Nenning, Andreas ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Opitz, Alexander Karl | Investigation of the oxygen exchange mechanism and mobility of Pt thin film electrodes on an yttria-stabilised ZrO2 electrolyte | Presentation Vortrag | 20-Sep-2022 |
| 19 |  | Nenning, Andreas ; Reuter, Stefan ; Schlesinger, Richard ; Summerer, Harald ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Holzmann, Manuel ; Huber, Tobias M. ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Opitz, Alexander K. | Surface and Defect Chemistry of Porous La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ Electrodes on Polarized Three-Electrode Cells | Article Artikel  | 20-Sep-2022 |
| 20 | | Krammer, Martin ; Schmid, Alexander ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Bumberger, Andreas Ewald ; Herzig, Christopher ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Juergen | Formation and Detection of High-Pressure Oxygen in Closed Pores of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ Solid Oxide Electrolysis Anodes | Article Artikel  | 25-Jul-2022 |