| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Giparakis, Miriam ; Kainz, Martin Alexander ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Jaidl, Michael ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Isceri, Stefania ; Detz, Hermann ; Schrenk, Werner ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Bastard, Gerald ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | Anomalous temperature dependency of current-voltage curves in low-doped weakly-coupled superlattices | Presentation Vortrag | 29-Jun-2023 |
| 2 | | Behrle, R. ; Sistani, M. ; Lugstein, A. ; Sadre Momtaz, Z. ; den Hertog, M. I. ; Pogany, D. ; Weber, W. M. | Low-frequency noise in quasi-ballistic monolithic Al–Ge–Al nanowire field effect transistors | Article Artikel  | 5-Jun-2023 |
| 3 | | Arigliani, Elena ; David, Mauro ; Hinkelmann, Erik ; Knötig, Hedwig Maria ; Butera, Valeria ; Konecny Adam ; Pilat, Florian ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Detz, Hermann ; Hinkov, Borislav ; Rogers David J. ; H. Teherani, Ferechteh | A novel miniaturized mid-IR sensor for glucose detection using on-chip plasmonics and quantum cascade detectors | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 16-Mar-2023 |
| 4 | | Giparakis, Miriam ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Kainz, Martin Alexander ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Isceri, Stefania ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Schrenk, Werner ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Bastard, Gerald ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | Anomalous temperature effect in low doped GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices | Presentation Vortrag | Feb-2023 |
| 5 | | Detz, Hermann ; Butera, Valeria | Insights into the mechanistic CO2 conversion to methanol on single Ru atom anchored on MoS2 monolayer | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 6 | | Theiner, Dominik ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Jaidl, Michael ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Darmo, Juraj | Tailored Terahertz Frequency Combs for Molecular Sensing | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 2023 |
| 7 | | Hinkov, Borislav ; Pilat, Florian ; David, Mauro ; Schwaighofer, Andreas ; Lustoza de Souza, Patricia ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Ristanic, Daniela ; Arigliani, Elena ; Lux, Laurin ; Wacht, Dominik ; Frank, Felix ; Detz, Hermann ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Strasser, Gottfried | A surface-plasmon enhanced mid-infrared lab-on-a-chip for real-time reaction monitoring of liquids | Presentation Vortrag | Dec-2022 |
| 8 |  | Bakali, E. ; Artner, Werner ; Beiser, M. ; Bernardi, J. ; Detz, Hermann ; Eguchi, G. ; Foelske, A. ; Giparakis, M. ; Herzig, C. ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Nguyen, Duy Ha ; Prochaska, Lukas ; Prokofiev, A. ; Sauer, M. ; Schwarz, Sabine ; Schrenk, W. ; Strasser, G. ; Svagera, R. ; Taupin, M. ; Thirsfeld, A.S. ; Waas, M. ; Yan, Xinlin ; Zocco, D.A. ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Paschen, S. | A Knudsen cell approach for the molecular beam epitaxy of the heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2 | Article Artikel  | 1-Oct-2022 |
| 9 | | Isceri, Stefania ; Giparakis, Miriam ; Bakali, Emine ; Svagera, Robert ; Waas, Monika ; Nguyen, Duy Ha ; Bühler-Paschen, Silke ; Detz, Hermann ; Schrenk, Werner ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | Strange metal YbRh2Si2 thin film growth | Presentation Vortrag | 27-Sep-2022 |
| 10 | | Isceri, Stefania ; Svagera, Robert ; Waas, Monika ; Nguyen, Duy Ha ; Bakali, Emine ; Bühler-Paschen, Silke ; Schrenk, Werner ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | Strange metal YbRh2Si2 grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy | Presentation Vortrag | 20-Sep-2022 |
| 11 | | Giparakis, Miriam ; Knötig, Hedwig Maria ; Isceri, Stefania ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Detz, Hermann ; Schrenk, Werner ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | MBE Growth and Characterization of an InAs/AlAs₀₁₆Sb₀₈₈ quantum cascade detector at 2.7 µm | Presentation Vortrag | 19-Sep-2022 |
| 12 | | Nazzari, Daniele ; Solfronk, Oliver ; Sistani, Masiar ; Weber, Walter Michael | Fabrication and evaluation of different passivation layers for the Ge-Insulator interface using Plasma-Enhanced ALD | Presentation Vortrag | 13-Sep-2022 |
| 13 | | Sistani, Masiar ; Behrle, Raphael ; Luong, Minh Anh ; den Hertog, Martien I. ; Lugstein, Alois ; Weber, Walter Michael | Programmable negative differential Resistance in Ge Nanowire Transistors | Presentation Vortrag | 11-Sep-2022 |
| 14 | | Behrle, Raphael ; Sistani, Masiar ; Bažíková, Martina ; Wind, Lukas ; Sadre-Momtaz, Zahra ; den Hertog, Martien I. ; Murphey, Corban G.E. ; Cahoon, James F. ; Weber, Walter Michael | Reconfigurable Complementary and Combinational Logic based on Monolithic and Single-Crystalline Al-Si Heterostructures | Presentation Vortrag | 7-Sep-2022 |
| 15 | | Hinkov, Borislav ; Pilat, Florian ; David, Mauro ; Schwaighofer, Andreas ; Lustoza de Souza, Patricia ; Lux, Laurin ; Baumgartner, Bettina ; Ristanic, Daniela ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Detz, Hermann ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Strasser, Gottfried | Mid-IR Plasmonics for Monolithic Photonic Integrated Circuits | Presentation Vortrag | Sep-2022 |
| 16 | | David, Mauro ; Marschick, Georg ; Arigliani, Elena ; Opacak, Nikola ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Hinkov, Borislav | Towards Fully Integrated Mid-Infrared Heterodyne Detection Based on Quantum Cascade Technology | Presentation Vortrag | Sep-2022 |
| 17 | | Nazzari, Daniele ; Genser, Jakob Alexander ; Ritter, Viktoria ; Bethge, Ole ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich ; Grasser, Tibor ; Weber, Walter Michael ; Lugstein, Alois | Epitaxial growth of crystalline CaF2 on silicene by molecular beam epitaxy | Presentation Vortrag | Sep-2022 |
| 18 | | Arigliani, Elena ; David, Mauro ; Lardschneider, Anna ; Marschick, Georg ; Disnan, Davide ; Hoang, Hanh Thi ; Detz, Hermann ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Hinkov, Borislav | Low-loss polyethylene-based plasmonics for mid-infrared photonic integrated circuits | Presentation Vortrag | Sep-2022 |
| 19 | | David, Mauro ; Doganlar, Ismail Cem ; Nazzari, Daniele ; Sistani, Masiar ; Detz, Hermann ; Weber, Walter Michael ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Hinkov, Borislav | Functionalization of mid-IR plasmonic waveguides for novel lab-on-a-chip biosensors | Presentation Vortrag | Sep-2022 |
| 20 | | Hinkov, Borislav ; Pilat, Florian ; David, Mauro ; Schwaighofer, Andreas ; Lustoza de Souza, Patricia ; Lux, Laurin ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Ristanic, Daniela ; Detz, Hermann ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Strasser, Gottfried | Next generation of liquid sensing based on monolithic mid-IR sensors for real-time reaction monitoring | Presentation Vortrag | Sep-2022 |