| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Gföhler, Margit | Exoskelette als Unterstützung in Reha und Pflege | Presentation Vortrag | 1-Jun-2023 |
| 2 |  | Elenkov, Martin ; Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Ecker, Paul ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Evaluation of Different Control Algorithms for Carbon Dioxide Removal with Membrane Oxygenators | Article Artikel  | 1-Dec-2022 |
| 3 |  | Puchinger, Markus ; Kurup, Nithin ; Gstaltner, Karin ; Pandy, Marcus ; Gföhler, Margit | Metabolic Cost and Mechanical Efficiency of a Novel Handle-Based Device for Wheelchair Propulsion | Article Artikel  | 23-Nov-2022 |
| 4 | | Baumgartner, Theresia ; Bösenhofer, Markus ; Guillaume, Olivier ; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Computational fluid dynamics study of the influence of geometry and flow rate on mass transport in 3D scaffolds | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Sep-2022 |
| 5 |  | Baumgartner, Theresia ; Yorov, Tsvetan ; Bösenhofer, Markus ; Guillaume, Olivier ; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Study of the Fluid behaviour in 3D printed Macroscaffolds using CFD analysis and PIV | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | Jul-2022 |
| 6 |  | Pekovits, Markus ; Ecker, Paul ; Imran, Fatima ; Piotrowska, Julia Agnieszka ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Nature-inspired membranes for artificial respiration - production of microstructured polymer hollow fibers | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | Jun-2022 |
| 7 | | Baumgartner, Theresia ; Bösenhofer, Markus ; Guillaume, Olivier ; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | µ-Particle Image Velocimetry and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Fluid Flow - Induced Wall Shear Stress in 3D Scaffolds | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 2022 |
| 8 | | Pekovits, Markus ; Imran, Fatima ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Mimicking nature to reduce transport resistance in hollow fiber membranes - production and evaluationof microstructured fibers for artificial respiration | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 2022 |
| 9 | | Ecker, Paul ; Sparer, Andreas ; Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Elenkov, Martin ; Seltenhammer, Monika ; Crevenna, Richard ; Gföhler, Margit ; Harasek, Michael ; Windberger, Ursula | Animal blood in translational research: How to adjust animal blood viscosity to the human standard | Artikel Article | 2021 |
| 10 | | Gföhler, Margit ; Puchinger, Markus ; Gstaltner, Karin | ,,KURT" - ein gelenkschonender manueller Rollstuhlantrieb | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 11 | | Elenkov, Martin ; Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Ecker, Paul ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Non-parametric dynamical estimation of blood flow rate, pressure difference and viscosity for a miniaturized blood pump | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 12 | | Gföhler, Margit | Creative Tec | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |
| 13 | | Gföhler, Margit ; Aronis, Georgios ; Frena, Anna ; Stockinger, Anna ; Puchinger, Markus ; Golda, Matthias ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Harasek, Michael | Development of a mobile, compact desalination Plant operated by muscle power | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2021 |
| 14 | | Ambrosini, Emilia ; Gasperini, Giulio ; Zajc, Johannes ; Immick, Nancy ; Augsten, Andreas ; Rossini, Mauro ; Ballarati, Roberto ; Russold, Michael ; Ferrante, Simona ; Ferrigno, Giancarlo ; Bulgheroni, Maria ; Baccinelli, Walter ; Schauer, Thomas ; Wiesener, Constantin ; Gföhler, Margit ; Puchinger, Markus ; Weber, Mathias ; Weber, Sebastian ; Pedrocchi, Alessandra ; Molteni, Franco ; Krakow, Karsten | A Robotic System with EMG-Triggered Functional Eletrical Stimulation for Restoring Arm Functions in Stroke Survivors | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 15 | | Puchinger, Markus ; Stefanek, Pia ; Gstaltner, Karin ; Pandy, Marcus ; Gföhler, Margit | In Vivo Biomechanical Assessment of a Novel Handle-Based Wheelchair Drive | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 16 | | Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Ecker, Paul ; Elenkov, Martin ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Jordan, Christian ; Krenn, Claus G. ; Ullrich, Roman ; Gfoehler, Margit ; Harasek, Michael | Suitable CO₂ Solubility Models for Determination of the CO₂ Removal Performance of Oxygenators | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 17 | | Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Koller, Raffael ; Ecker, Paul ; Elenkov, Martin ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Pekovits, Markus ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Jordan, Christian ; Gfoehler, Margit ; Harasek, Michael | Water as a Blood Model for Determination of CO₂ Removal Performance of Membrane Oxygenators | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 18 | | Ecker, Paul ; Pekovits, Markus ; Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Elenkov, Martin ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Gföhler, Margit ; Harasek, Michael | Micro- structured Hollow Fiber Membranes - Reducing the Main Transport Resistance in Membrane Oxygenators | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 19 | | Pekovits, Markus ; Ecker, Paul ; Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Golda, Matthias ; Harasek, Michael ; Gföhler, Margit | Production of Micro-Structured Hollow Fiber Membranes for Membrane Oxygenators - Mimicking Nature to Increase Mass Transport | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 20 | | Ecker, Paul ; Pekovits, Markus ; Yorov, Tsvetan ; Haddadi, Bahram ; Lukitsch, Benjamin ; Elenkov, Martin ; Janeczek, Christoph ; Jordan, Christian ; Gfoehler, Margit ; Harasek, Michael | Microstructured Hollow Fiber Membranes: Potential Fiber Shapes for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenators | Artikel Article  | 2021 |