Revealing and Utilizing the Hidden Structure for Solving Hard Problems in AI

Project Acronym Projekt Kurzbezeichnung
Project Title (de) Projekttitel (de)
Revealing and Utilizing the Hidden Structure for Solving Hard Problems in AI
Project Title (en) Projekttitel (en)
Revealing and Utilizing the Hidden Structure for Solving Hard Problems in AI
Consortium Coordinator Koordinator des Konsortiums
Principal Investigator Projektleiter_in
Funder/Funding Agency Fördergeber
WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschu und Technologiefonds
Grant number Förderkennnummer

Results 1-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Ganian-2022-SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics-vor.pdf.jpgGanian, Robert ; Kim, Eun Jung ; Szeider, Stefan Algorithmic applications of tree-cut widthArticle Artikel Dec-2022
2Bernreiter-2022-Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences-vor.pdf.jpgBernreiter, Michael ; Dvořák, Wolfgang ; Woltran, Stefan Abstract Argumentation with Conditional PreferencesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 31-Oct-2022
3Dvorak-2022-Deletion-Backdoors for Argumentation Frameworks with Collecti...-vor.pdf.jpgDvorak, Wolfgang ; König, Matthias ; Woltran, Stefan Deletion-Backdoors for Argumentation Frameworks with Collective AttacksInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 8-Oct-2022
4Dreier-2022-SAT Backdoors Depth Beats Size-vor.pdf.jpgDreier, Jan ; Ordyniak, Sebastian ; Szeider, Stefan SAT Backdoors: Depth Beats SizeInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Sep-2022
5Dobler-2022-Turbocharging Heuristics for Weak Coloring Numbers-vor.pdf.jpgDobler, Alexander ; Sorge, Manuel ; Villedieu, Anaïs ; Chechik, Shiri ; Navarro, Gonzalo ; Rotenberg, Eva ; Herman, Grzegorz Turbocharging Heuristics for Weak Coloring NumbersInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Sep-2022
6Fichte, Johannes Klaus ; Gaggl, Sarah Alice ; Hecher, Markus ; Rusovac, Dominik IASCAR: Incremental Answer Set Counting by Anytime RefinementInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Sep-2022
7Ganian-2022-Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research-vor.pdf.jpgGanian, Robert ; Schidler, André ; Sorge, Manuel ; Szeider, Stefan Threshold Treewidth and Hypertree WidthArticle Artikel 10-Aug-2022
8Rapberger, Anna ; Ulbricht, Markus On Dynamics in Structured Argumentation FormalismsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Aug-2022
9Dvorak, Wolfgang ; König, Matthias ; Ulbricht, Markus ; Woltran, Stefan Rediscovering Argumentation Principles Utilizing Collective AttacksInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Aug-2022
10Fichte-2022-Proofs for Propositional Model Counting-vor.pdf.jpgFichte, Johannes K. ; Hecher, Markus ; Roland, Valentin Proofs for Propositional Model CountingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 28-Jul-2022
11Ganian-2022-Weighted Model Counting with Twin-Width-vor.pdf.jpgGanian, Robert ; Pokrývka, Filip ; Schidler, André ; Simonov, Kirill ; Szeider, Stefan ; Meel, Kuldeep S. ; Strichman, Ofer Weighted Model Counting with Twin-WidthInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 28-Jul-2022
12Dvorak-2022-Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research-vor.pdf.jpgDvořák, Wolfgang ; Ulbricht, Markus ; Woltran, Stefan Recursion in Abstract Argumentation is Hard - On the Complexity of Semantics Based on Weak AdmissibilityArticle Artikel 21-Jul-2022
13Fichte, Johannes K. ; Hecher, Markus ; Nadeem, Mohamed A. ; De Raedt, Lud Plausibility Reasoning via Projected Answer Set Counting - A Hybrid ApproachInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Jul-2022
14Dvorak-2022-Tractable Abstract Argumentation via Backdoor-Treewidth-vor.pdf.jpgDvořák, Wolfgang ; Hecher, Markus ; König, Matthias ; Schidler, Andre ; Szeider, Stefan ; Woltran, Stefan Tractable Abstract Argumentation via Backdoor-TreewidthInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 28-Jun-2022
15Schidler-2022-SAT-Based Local Search for Plane Subgraph Partitions-vor.pdf.jpgSchidler, André ; Goaoc, Xavier ; Kerber, Michael SAT-Based Local Search for Plane Subgraph PartitionsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Jun-2022
16Chew-2022-Towards Uniform Certification in QBF-vor.pdf.jpgChew, Leroy ; Slivovsky, Friedrich ; Berenbrink, Petra ; Monmege, Benjamin Towards Uniform Certification in QBFInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 9-Mar-2022
17Rapberger-2022-Argumentation Frameworks Induced by Assumption-Based Argum...-vor.pdf.jpgRapberger, Anna ; Ulbricht, Markus ; Wallner, Johannes Argumentation Frameworks Induced by Assumption-Based Argumentation: Relating Size and ComplexityInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022
18Bernreiter, Michael ; Freiman, Robert Truth and Preferences - A Game Approach for Qualitative Choice LogicPresentation Vortrag2022
19Peruvemba Ramaswamy-2022-Learning Fast-Inference Bayesian Networks-vor.pdf.jpgPeruvemba Ramaswamy, Vaidyanathan ; Szeider, Stefan Learning Fast-Inference Bayesian NetworksInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022
20Dewoprabowo, Ridhwan ; Fichte, Johannes Klaus ; Gorczyca, Piotr Jerzy ; Hecher, Markus A Practical Account into Counting Dung's Extensions by Dynamic ProgrammingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022