Bernreiter, M., & Freiman, R. (2022). Truth and Preferences - A Game Approach for Qualitative Choice Logic [Conference Presentation]. M-PREF 2022 - 13th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Wien, Austria.
In this paper, we introduce game-theoretic semantics (GTS) for Qualitative Choice Logic (QCL), which, in order to express preferences, extends classical propositional logic with an additional connective called ordered disjunction. Firstly, we demonstrate that game semantics can capture ex- isting degree-based semantics for QCL in a natural way. Secondly, we show that game semantics can be leveraged to derive new semantics for the language of QCL. In particular, we present a new semantics that makes use of GTS negation and, by doing so, avoids problems with negation in existing QCL-semantics.
Project title:
Hybrid Parameterized Problem Solving in Practice: P32830-N (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)) Revealing and Utilizing the Hidden Structure for Solving Hard Problems in AI: ICT19-065 (WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschu und Technologiefonds)