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Eisterer, Michael

Results 1-20 of 502 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Parragh-2024-IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity-vor.pdf.jpgParragh, D. M. ; Scheuerlein, C. ; Piccin, R. ; Ravotti, F. ; Pezzullo, G. ; Ternova, D. ; Taborelli, M. ; Lehner, Markus ; Eisterer, M. Irradiation induced aging of epoxy resins for impregnation of superconducting magnet coilsArticle Artikel May-2024
2Bodenseher, Alexander ; Unterrainer, Raphael ; Semper, Florian ; Eisterer, Michael Neutron irradiation of coated conductors: introduced defects and mechanisms for the changes of superconducting propertiesPresentation Vortrag28-Nov-2023
3Bernardi, Johannes ; Steiger-Thirsfeld, Andreas ; Leith Stuart ; Rosaz, Guillaume ; Carlos C.P.A. ; Semper, Florian ; Asiyaban, Morteza ; Eisterer, Michael Update on Nb3Sn thin film preparation for SRF cavitiesPresentation Vortrag28-Nov-2023
4Eisterer, Michael Technical superconductors (LTS)Presentation Vortrag23-Nov-2023
5Eisterer, Michael SuperconductivityPresentation Vortrag21-Nov-2023
6Bernabé Vírseda, Ignacio ; Mantel, Arthur ; Prado-Roller, Alexander ; Eisterer, Michael ; Shiozawa, Hidetsugu Metamagnetism in a coordination polymer built of trimeric cobalt units and melamineArticle Artikel 15-Nov-2023
7Unterrainer-2023-Impact of neutron induced ex-situ defects on the properti...-ao.pdf.jpgUnterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Gambino, Davide ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Torsello, Daniele ; Laviano, Francesco ; Eisterer, Michael Impact of neutron induced ex-situ defects on the properties of CCs and their thermal stabilityPresentation Vortrag 14-Nov-2023
8Semper, Florian ; Unterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Kagerbauer, Sigrid ; Shipulin, Ilya A ; Hühne, Ruben ; Eisterer, Michael Effects of neutron radiation on the local Jc in YBCO on RABiTS templatesPresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
9Bodenseher, Alexander ; Unterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Shipulin, Ilya A ; Hühne, Ruben ; Eisterer, Michael Change of superfluid density due to scattering caused by neutron induced defectsPresentation Vortrag6-Sep-2023
10Unterrainer-2023-Jc degradation in CCs for fusion magnets by small defects...-ao.pdf.jpgUnterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Lehner, Markus ; Munier-Gondiant, Guillaume ; Fischer, David X. ; Gambino, Davide ; Eisterer, Michael Jc degradation in CCs for fusion magnets by small defects and its mitigationPresentation Vortrag 6-Sep-2023
11Eisterer, Michael Neutron irradiation effects on the superconducting performance of REBCO coated conductorsPresentation Vortrag18-Jul-2023
12Wheatley, L. E. ; Baumgartner, Thomas ; Eisterer, M ; Speller, S.C. ; Moody, M. P. ; Grovenor, C.R.M. Understanding the nanoscale chemistry of as-received and fast neutron irradiated Nb₃Sn RRP® wires using atom probe tomographyArticle Artikel 26-Jun-2023
13Holleis, Sigrid ; Semper, Florian ; Thomas, Alena ; Shipulin, Ilya A ; Steiger-Thirsfeld, Andreas ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Hühne, A. R. ; Eisterer, Michael Magnetic Granularity in Iron-Based Superconducting Films on RABiTS TemplatesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag9-May-2023
14Eisterer, Michael ; Unterrainer, Raphael ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Lehner, Markus ; Munier-Gondiant, Guillaume The role of small defects on the degradation of coated conductors in radiation environmentsPresentation Vortrag5-Apr-2023
15Pfeiffer-2023-Superconductor Science and Technology-vor.pdf.jpgPfeiffer, Stephan ; Baumgartner, Thomas ; Löffler, Stefan ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Hopkins, Simon C. ; Ballarino, A. ; Eisterer, Michael ; Bernardi, Johannes Analysis of inhomogeneities in Nb₃Sn wires by combined SEM and SHPM and their impact on Jc and TcArticle Artikel 4-Apr-2023
16Adams, K ; Iliffe, W ; Nicholls, R J ; He, G ; Diaz-Moreno, S ; Mosselmans, F. ; Fischer, D. X. ; Eisterer, M ; Grovenor, C R M ; Speller, S C Comparing neutron and helium ion irradiation damage of REBa₂Cu₃O7−δcoated conductor using x-ray absorption spectroscopyArticle Artikel 17-Mar-2023
17Prikhna T. O. Пріхна, T. ; Eisterer, M. ; Büchner, B. ; Kluge, R. ; Sokolovsky, V. ; Moshchil, Viktor ; Bodenseher, A. ; Filzmoser, J. ; Lindackers, D. ; Ponomaryov C. C. Пономарьов, S. S. ; Karpets M. B. Ӄарпець, M. V. ; Werfel, F. N. ; Flögel–Delor, U. ; Vakaliuk, A. ; Sverdun B. Б. Cвердун, V. B. Trapped Fields of Hot-Pressed MgB₂ for Applications in Liquid HydrogenArticle Artikel 28-Feb-2023
18Bernabé Vírseda, Ignacio ; Siddiqui, Shiraz Ahmed ; Prado‐Roller, Alexand ; Eisterer, Michael ; Shiozawa, Hidetsugu A Novel Molecular Assembly of a Cobalt-Sulfate Coordination Polymer and Melamine: A Manifestation of Magnetic AnisotropyArticle Artikel 9-Jan-2023
19Unterrainer-2023-The influence of small defects on the superconducting pro...-ao.pdf.jpgUnterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Lehner, Markus ; Munier-Gondiant, Guillaume ; Fischer, David X. ; Eisterer, Michael The influence of small defects on the superconducting properties of REBCO based CCsPresentation Vortrag 2023
20Eisterer, Michael ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Holleis, Sigrid ; Kagerbauer, Daniel ; Shigeyuki Ishida ; Akira Iyo ; Hiroshi Eisaki Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy on Magnetically Ordered and Superconducting EuRb-1144 Single CrystalsPresentation Vortrag7-Dec-2022

Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hofmann David - 2023 - Position tracking on a nanometer scale for Scanning Hall...pdf.jpgHofmann, David Position tracking on a nanometer scale for Scanning Hall Probe MicroscopyThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Bodenseher Alexander - 2022 - Resistivity and Hall effect measurements in...pdf.jpgBodenseher, Alexander Resistivity and Hall effect measurements in disordered YBCO filmsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
3Ortino Mattia - 2022 - Flux pinning in Nb3Sn containing artificial pinning...pdf.jpgOrtino, Mattia Flux pinning in Nb3Sn containing artificial pinning centres: a systematic studyThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4Kagerbauer Sigrid - 2022 - Local currents in granular high temperature...pdf.jpgKagerbauer, Sigrid Local currents in granular high temperature superconductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
5Gnilsen Johannes - 2021 - On the Characterization of coated conductors with the...pdf.jpgGnilsen, Johannes On the Characterization of coated conductors with the M-scan deviceThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
6Kagerbauer Daniel - 2020 - Critical current properties and flux pinning in Ba122...pdf.jpgKagerbauer, Daniel Critical current properties and flux pinning in Ba122 superconductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
7Semper Florian - 2020 - Messung des oberen kritischen Magnetfelds von...pdf.jpgSemper, Florian Messung des oberen kritischen Magnetfelds von oberflächenbehandeltem NiobThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
8Fischer David - 2019 - Effect of neutron radiation damage on coated conductors...pdf.jpgFischer, David Effect of neutron radiation damage on coated conductors for fusion magnetsThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
9Budinska Barbora - 2019 - Influence of neutron irradiation on the structural and...pdf.jpgBudinska, Barbora Influence of neutron irradiation on the structural and superconducting properties of Nb3SnThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
10Ebermann Patrick - 2019 - Relevance of the irreversible degradation of...pdf.jpgEbermann, Patrick Relevance of the irreversible degradation of superconducting Nb3Sn wires and cables caused by transverse stress at room temperature within the FCC study at CERNThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
11Lao Mayraluna - 2017 - Current limiting mechanism in coated conductors.pdf.jpgLao, Mayraluna Current limiting mechanism in coated conductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
12Bader David - 2017 - Process control for a large area high resolution hall...pdf.jpgBader, David Process control for a large area high resolution hall scannerThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
13Hecher Johannes - 2016 - Current transport in polycrystalline iron based...pdf.jpgHecher, Johannes Current transport in polycrystalline iron based superconductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
14Kagerbauer Daniel - 2016 - The magnetic properties of tissue samples and...pdf.jpgKagerbauer, Daniel The magnetic properties of tissue samples and iron-rich organelles from the pigeon Columba liviaThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
15Kagerbauer Sigrid - 2016 - Enhancing the high field performance of YBa2Cu3O7-x...pdf.jpgHolleis, Sigrid Enhancing the high field performance of YBa2Cu3O7-x coated conductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
16Hinterberger Alexander - 2015 - Stromperkolation in MgB2 Supraleitern.pdf.jpgHinterberger, Alexander Stromperkolation in MgB2 SupraleiternThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
17Cervinka Thomas - 2015 - Einfluss der Korngroesse auf die kritischen...pdf.jpgCervinka, Thomas Einfluss der Korngröße auf die kritischen Stromdichten in BaFe2As2 PolykristallenThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
18Fischer David - 2014 - Anisotropie der kritischen Stroeme in Eisensupraleitern.pdf.jpgFischer, David Anisotropie der kritischen Ströme in EisensupraleiternThesis Hochschulschrift 2014
19Baumgartner Thomas - 2009 - Transport current anisotropy in melt-textured...pdf.jpgBaumgartner, Thomas Transport current anisotropy in melt-textured high-temperature superconductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2009
20Eckhardt, Christian Messsteuerungstechnik in der TieftemperaturphysikThesis Hochschulschrift2007