| | Preview | Author(s) | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Geroldinger, Stefan ; Hellein, Robert ; Hojati, Milad ; De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert | Rohstoffeffiziente Sinterstähle durch Hybrid-Masteralloylegierungstechnik | Presentation Vortrag | 1-Dec-2023 |
| 2 |  | de Oro Calderon, R. ; Lunzer, M. ; Wodak, I. ; Steinlechner, Robert | Fundamental aspects of phase formation in WC-based cemented carbides containing FeMn-based binders | Article Artikel  | Dec-2023 |
| 3 |  | Schubert, Wolf-Dieter ; Steinlechner, Robert ; de Oro Calderon, R. | On the constitution and cobalt alloy formation in WC-1.4 wt% Ru-9.5 wt% Co cemented carbides | Article Artikel  | Nov-2023 |
| 4 | | De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Steinlechner, Robert ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter | Critical aspects for an efficient assessment of novel materials design | Presentation Vortrag | 17-Oct-2023 |
| 5 | | Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Geroldinger, Stefan ; De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Danninger, Herbert | Comparison of Low Alloyed Cr-Mo PM Steels by Thermoanalytical Technique | Presentation Vortrag | 4-Oct-2023 |
| 6 | | De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Hojati, Milad ; Hellein, Robert ; Geroldinger, Stefan ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert | Sustainable Hybrid Alloyed PM Steels | Presentation Vortrag | 4-Oct-2023 |
| 7 |  | Geroldinger, S. ; Teissedre, Line ; de Oro Calderon, R. ; Gierl-Mayer, C. ; Danninger, H. | Hardenability of PM steel alloyed using tailored master alloys | Article Artikel  | Oct-2023 |
| 8 | | De Oro Calderon, Raquel | Calphad Methods in Powder Metallurgy | Presentation Vortrag | 18-Jul-2023 |
| 9 | | de Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert | Microstructural evolution during sintering of Fe-Cr-C steels prepared from admixed elemental powders | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 10 | | Geroldinger, Stefan ; De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert | Properties Of PM Steel Alloyed Through The Masteralloy Route - A Comparison To Conventional PM Grades | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 9-Oct-2022 |
| 11 | | Wolf, Maximilian ; Edtmaier, Christian ; de Oro Calderon, Raquel | Influence of carbon on the formation of γ/γ′ microstructure and κ-phase in the WC/Co–Ni–Al–W system: ab initio calculations and experimental studies | Article Artikel  | 15-Jul-2022 |
| 12 | | de Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Steinlechner, Robert ; Lunzer, Markus ; Wodak, Irina ; Edtmaier, Christian ; Linhardt, Paul ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter | Critical aspects for an efficient assessment of novel materials designs | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2022 |
| 13 | | Steinlechner, R. ; de Oro Calderon, R. ; Koch, T. ; Linhardt, P. ; Schubert, W.D. | A study on WC-Ni cemented carbides: Constitution, alloy compositions and properties, including corrosion behaviour | Artikel Article  | 2022 |
| 14 | | De Oro Calderon, Raquel | Calphad Methods in Powder Metallurgy | Presentation Vortrag | 2022 |
| 15 | | De Oro Calderon, Raquel | Master alloys: an effective route for gaining flexibility in the selection of alloying elements | Presentation Vortrag | 2022 |
| 16 |  | De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Danninger, Herbert | Thermoanalytical techniques for characterizing sintering processes in ferrous powder metallurgy | Article Artikel  | 2022 |
| 17 | | De Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Steinlechner, Robert ; Lunzer, Markus ; Wodak, Irina ; Edtmaier, Christian ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter | Critical aspects for an efficient assessment of novel materials designs | Presentation Vortrag | 2022 |
| 18 | | Edtmaier, Christian ; de Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Wolf, Maximilian ; Steinlechner, Robert | Evolution of a γ/γ′ microstructure and appearance of a κ-phase in the WC/Co-Ni-Al-W system as a function of carbon and nickel | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2022 |
| 19 | | Danninger, Herbert ; de Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian | The use of transient liquid phases in powder metallurgy | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |
| 20 | | Danninger, Herbert ; Prokofyev, Mikhail ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; de Oro Calderon, Raquel ; Hellein, Robert ; Müller, Alexander | TRIP behaviour of Mn alloyed sintered steels as a function of the carbon content | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |