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Jakubek, Stefan
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Results 1-20 of 229 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schirrer, Alexander ; Santos, Jose ; Grujic, Marko ; Zulehner, Julian ; Weichselbaumer, Michael ; Antunes, Pedro ; Pombo, João ; Hametner, Christoph ; Jakubek, Stefan Time delay in a mechatronic Power-HIL system: Analysis and model-based compensationArticle Artikel Mar-2024
2Kofler, Sandro ; Du, Zhang Peng ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Adaptive Step Size Dynamic Programming for Optimal Energy Management of Fuel Cell VehiclesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag30-Jan-2024
3Bender, Moritz ; Escher, Johanna ; Messner, Barbara ; Röhrich, Michael ; Fischer, Michael Bernhard ; Hametner, Christoph ; Laufer, Günther ; Kertzscher, Ulrich ; Zimpfer, Daniel ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Granegger, Marcus An Atraumatic Mock Loop for Realistic Hemocompatibility Assessment of Blood PumpsArticle Artikel 22-Dec-2023
4Vrlic-2021-Energy Reports-vor.pdf.jpgVrlić, Martin ; Pernsteiner, Dominik ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Hametner, Christoph ; Jakubek, Stefan Reduced-dimensionality nonlinear distributed-parameter observer for fuel cell systemsArticle Artikel Nov-2023
5Kofler, Sandro ; Du, Zhang Peng ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Adaptive Step Size Dynamic Programming for Optimal Energy Management of Fuel Cell VehiclesPresentation Vortrag25-Oct-2023
6He, Xiangyu ; Bender, Moritz ; Gross, Christoph ; Narayanaswamy, Krishnaraj ; Laufer, Günther ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Bonderman, Diana ; Roehrich, Michael ; Karner, Barbara ; Zimpfer, Daniel ; Granegger, Marcus Left Atrial Decompression With the HeartMate3 in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: Virtual Fitting and Hemodynamic AnalysisArticle Artikel 13-Oct-2023
7Gratzer, Alexander L. ; Broger, Maximilian Michael ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Jakubek, Stefan Flatness-Based Mixed-Integer Obstacle Avoidance MPC for Collision-Safe Automated Urban DrivingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Oct-2023
8Rothenbuchner, Lukas ; Neudorfer, Christoph ; Fallmann, Markus ; Toth, Florian ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Hametner, Christoph ; Jakubek, Stefan Efficient feedforward sloshing suppression strategy for liquid transportPreprint Preprint30-Sep-2023
9Bartlechner, Johanna ; Vrlic, Martin ; Hametner, Christoph ; Jakubek, Stefan Real-time estimation of degradation in PEM fuel cellsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag15-Sep-2023
10Du, Zhang Peng ; Kofler, Sandro ; Voglar, Tit ; Kravos, Andraž ; Vrlic, Martin ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph State-of-Health Observer for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel CellsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Sep-2023
11Benaitier-2023-Applied Energy-vor.pdf.jpgBenaitier, Alexis ; Krainer, Ferdinand ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Optimal energy management of hybrid electric vehicles considering pollutant emissions during transient operationsArticle Artikel 15-Aug-2023
12Kasper-2023-Applied Energy-vor.pdf.jpgKasper, Lukas ; Pernsteiner, Dominik ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hofmann, René Experimental characterization, parameter identification and numerical sensitivity analysis of a novel hybrid sensible/latent thermal energy storage prototype for industrial retrofit applicationsArticle Artikel 15-Aug-2023
13Du-2023-IEEE Access-vor.pdf.jpgDu, Zhang Peng ; Steindl, Christoph ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Concentration Estimation for Fuel Cells: Design of Experiments, Nonlinear Identification, and Observer Design With Experimental ValidationArticle Artikel 31-Jan-2023
14Benaitier, Alexis ; Krainer, Ferdinand ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Optimal control of aftertreatment electric heaters for mild hybrid vehicles during cold startInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 5-Jan-2023
15Ferrara-2023-International Journal of Hydrogen Energy-vor.pdf.jpgFerrara, Alessandro ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Cost-optimal design and energy management of fuel cell electric trucksArticle Artikel Jan-2023
16Benaitier-2023-International Journal of Control-vor.pdf.jpgBenaitier, Alexis ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Krainer, Ferdinand ; Hametner, Christoph Automated nonlinear feedforward controller identification applied to engine air path output trackingArticle Artikel 2023
17Du-2023-Optimal design of experiments model predictive controller-vor.pdf.jpgDu, Zhang Peng ; Kofler, Sandro ; Ritzberger, Daniel ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Optimal design of experiments model predictive controllerInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
18Benaitier, Alexis ; Krainer, Ferdinand ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Robust physical quantities estimation for diesel engine emission reduction using sensor fusionInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 8-Dec-2022
19Gratzer-2022-IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems-vor.pdf.jpgGratzer, Alexander L. ; Thormann, Sebastian ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Jakubek, Stefan String stable and collision-safe model predictive platoon controlArticle Artikel Oct-2022
20Poks-2022-Thermal Science and Engineering Progress-vor.pdf.jpgPoks, Agnes ; Luchini, Elisabeth ; Fallmann, Markus ; Signor, Camillo ; Wurzinger, Andreas ; Radler, Dominik ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Kozek, Martin Distributed hierarchical control for multiple refrigeration unitsArticle Artikel 1-Aug-2022

Results 1-20 of 69 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Markler Christoph - 2024 - Cost-to-Go Model Predictive Control for Enhanced...pdf.jpgMarkler, Christoph Cost-to-Go Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Optimization of BioprocessesThesis Hochschulschrift 2024
2Benaitier, Alexis ; Krainer, Ferdinand ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hametner, Christoph Optimal control of aftertreatment electric heaters for mild hybrid vehicles during cold startInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 5-Jan-2023
3Sellner Oliver - 2023 - Modellbasierte Regler fuer Fahrdynamiksimulationen.pdf.jpgSellner, Oliver Modellbasierte Regler für FahrdynamiksimulationenThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
4Huller Norbert - 2023 - Development of an intelligent rotary drivetrain...pdf.jpgHuller, Norbert Development of an intelligent rotary drivetrain including lifespan monitoring, lifespan optimisation, gear backlash monitoring and event-related gear backlash eliminationThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
5Riedler Thomas - 2023 - Optimal control of a gas engine with consideration of...pdf.jpgRiedler, Thomas Optimal control of a gas engine with consideration of grid dynamicsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
6Rothenbuchner Lukas - 2023 - Design and Implementation of Selected Feedforward...pdf.jpgRothenbuchner, Lukas Design and Implementation of Selected Feedforward Control Strategies to Suppress Liquid Sloshing DynamicsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Ecker Oliver - 2023 - A Context-Aware Grid-Based Trust Management Model applied...pdf.jpgEcker, Oliver A Context-Aware Grid-Based Trust Management Model applied to Collective PerceptionThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
8Du Zhang Peng - 2023 - Holistic design workflow for fuel cell concentration...pdf.jpgDu, Zhang Peng Holistic design workflow for fuel cell concentration observersThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
9Bender Moritz - 2023 - Design of a nonlinear decoupling control strategy for an...pdf.jpgBender, Moritz Design of a nonlinear decoupling control strategy for an advanced Hardware-In-the-Loop system to assess implantable blood pumpsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
10Fuchs Benjamin - 2023 - Nonlinear non-isothermal distributed-parameter observer...pdf.jpgFuchs, Benjamin Nonlinear non-isothermal distributed-parameter observer for PEM Fuel Cell SystemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
11Gratzer-2022-Platoon Control Concepts-vor.pdf.jpgGratzer, Alexander L. ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Thormann, Sebastian ; Jakubek, Stefan Platoon Control ConceptsBook Contribution Buchbeitrag 26-Apr-2022
12Jauk, Christopher Development of a Virtual Software Test Environment for Fuel Cell Control UnitsThesis Hochschulschrift2022
13Schirrer, Alexander ; Gratzer, Alexander L. ; Thormann, Sebastian ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Neubauer, Matthias ; Schildorfer, Wolfgang Energy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck PlatooningBuch Book 2022
14Thonhofer, Elvira Traffic modeling for large scale urban traffic networksThesis Hochschulschrift2022
15Wess Stefan - 2022 - Praediktives Thermalmanagement fuer einen Inverter.pdf.jpgWess, Stefan Prädiktives Thermalmanagement für einen InverterThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
16Bartlechner Johanna - 2022 - Design of a nonlinear multivariable model-based...pdf.jpgBartlechner, Johanna Design of a nonlinear multivariable model-based control strategy for a recombinant protein production process in C. glutamicumThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
17Fuernhammer Oskar - 2022 - Konstruktion Modellierung und Regelung eines...pdf.jpgFürnhammer, Oskar Konstruktion, Modellierung und Regelung eines schubvektorgesteuerten Single-CoptersThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
18Aschauer Guilherme - 2022 - Railway catenary emulation on a power-HiL test rig...pdf.jpgAschauer, Guilherme Railway catenary emulation on a power-HiL test rig using model predictive impedance controlThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
19Stanger Lukas - 2021 - Model predictive control for power control of a fluidized...pdf.jpgStanger, Lukas Model predictive control for power control of a fluidized bed furnaceThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
20Lehner Michael - 2021 - Moving horizon state estimation for a PEM fuel cell...pdf.jpgLehner, Michael Moving horizon state estimation for a PEM fuel cell system based on successive linearisationThesis Hochschulschrift 2021