Full name Familienname, Vorname
Ajanovic, Amela
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 283 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ajanovic-2024-Applied Energy-vor.pdf.jpgAjanovic, Amela ; Sayer, Marlene ; Haas, Reinhard On the future relevance of green hydrogen in EuropeArticle Artikel 15-Mar-2024
2Ajanovic, Amela Decarbonization of passenger car transportation: goals and challengesPresentation Vortrag28-Nov-2023
3Ajanovic-2023-Oxford Open Energy-vor.pdf.jpgAjanovic, Amela Electricity vs hydrogen in the transition towards sustainable mobilityArticle Artikel 25-Oct-2023
4Sayer, Marlene Sophia ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard Economic and environmental assessment of different hydrogen production and transportation modesPresentation Vortrag28-Sep-2023
5Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard On sustainability of battery electric vehiclesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag25-Sep-2023
6Ajanovic, Amela Hydrogen’s role in the transport sectorPresentation Vortrag11-Sep-2023
7Pratschner, Simon ; Radosits, Frank ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Winter, Franz Techno-economic assessment of a power-to-green methanol plantArticle Artikel Sep-2023
8Radosits, Frank Karl ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard Economic analysis of increased renewable methane output through CO₂ utilizationPresentation Vortrag27-Jul-2023
9Ajanovic, Amela On the Future Relevance of Electric Vehicles: Pro's and Con'sPresentation Vortrag26-Jul-2023
10Sayer, Marlene Sophia ; Haas, Reinhard ; Ajanovic, Amela Short and long term storage needs in the future power system: A case study of AustriaPresentation Vortrag25-Jul-2023
11Haas, Reinhard ; Ajanovic, Amela Energy Economic Prospects for Green Hydrogen in EuropePresentation VortragJul-2023
12Ajanovic, Amela The impact of the size of electric cars size on its economic and environmental performancePresentation Vortrag5-Jun-2023
13Ajanovic, Amela Energy crisis: new chance for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles?Presentation Vortrag26-May-2023
14Ajanovic, Amela ; Sayer, Marlene Sophia ; Haas, Reinhard Role of the transport sector in hydrogen energy systemInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag18-May-2023
15Ajanovic, Amela The role of electric vehicles for sustainable urban mobilityPresentation Vortrag11-May-2023
16Houben, Nikolaus ; Cosic, Armin ; Stadler, Michael ; Mansoor, Muhammad ; Zellinger, Michael ; Auer, Johann ; Amela Ajanovic ; Reinhard Haas Optimal dispatch of a multi-energy system microgrid under uncertainty: A renewable energy community in AustriaArticle Artikel 1-May-2023
17Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard On economic, environmental and social impacts of green mobilityPresentation Vortrag28-Apr-2023
18Sayer, Marlene Sophia ; Haas, Reinhard ; Ajanovic, Amela Seasonal hydrogen storage in different renewable electricity scenarios in the Austrian power systemPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
19Radosits, Frank Karl ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard Production costs analysis of increased renewable methane output through CO₂ utilizationPresentation Vortrag16-Feb-2023
20Haas-2023-Energy-vor.pdf.jpgHaas, Reinhard ; Duic, Neven ; Auer, Hans ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Ramsebner, Jasmine ; Knapek, Jaroslav ; Zwickl-Bernhard, Sebastian The photovoltaic revolution is on: How it will change the electricity system in a lasting wayArticle Artikel 15-Feb-2023

Results 1-20 of 44 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Stamenkovic Silvana - 2023 - Indikatoren fuer den Erfolg von...pdf.jpgStamenkovic, Silvana Indikatoren für den Erfolg von EnergiegemeinschaftenThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Woschitz Martin - 2023 - Spatio-temporal PV forecasting with graph neural...pdf.jpgWoschitz, Martin Spatio-temporal PV forecasting with (graph) neural networksThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Apostol-Siegl Simona - 2022 - Developing the public charging infrastructure for...pdf.jpgApostol-Siegl, Simona Developing the public charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles in Romania. Challenges and opportunitiesThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4Loacker Hannes - 2022 - Potentials and limitations of green hydrogen as an...pdf.jpgLoacker, Hannes Potentials and limitations of green hydrogen as an energy carrier for decarbonising the transport sector in AustriaThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
5Nasser Mohammed Hassan Mahmoud - 2022 - An analysis of the development of...pdf.jpgNasser Mohammed Hassan, Mahmoud An analysis of the development of indicators in passenger car transportThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
6Hrabal Christian - 2022 - Mobility in tourism a comparative analysis of energy...pdf.jpgHrabal, Christian Mobility in tourism : a comparative analysis of energy use for mobility in tourism from economic, environmental and energetic point of viewThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
7Ajanovic, Amela Prospects for Electric Mobility Systemic, Economic and Environmental IssuesBuch Book2021
8Renken Tom Loris - 2021 - Economic and ecologic feasibility of an electrolyser...pdf.jpgRenken, Tom Loris Economic and ecologic feasibility of an electrolyser in combination with a hydropower plantThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
9Reid David - 2021 - Evaluating the viability and required market conditions for...pdf.jpgReid, David Evaluating the viability and required market conditions for integrating renewable energy into the oil refining process via hydrogenThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
10Krnic Aleksandra - 2021 - A comparative analysis of alternative powertrains and...pdf.jpgKrnić, Aleksandra A comparative analysis of alternative powertrains and fuels for public busses from economic, environmental and energetic point of viewThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
11Diaz Caballo Marc - 2021 - Viability of Electric Vehicle Li-Ion Batteries for...pdf.jpgDiaz Caballo, Marc Viability of Electric Vehicle Li-Ion Batteries for Stationary Storage Applications in the EU by 2030Thesis Hochschulschrift 2021
12Krkalovic Klara - 2021 - Repowering of wind plants What is possible up to 2030...pdf.jpgKrkalovic, Klara Repowering of wind plants: What is possible up to 2030 and 2050 in Austria?Thesis Hochschulschrift 2021
13Weiterschuetz Jan - 2020 - The potential of combined electricity and hydrogen...pdf.jpgWeiterschütz, Ján The potential of combined electricity and hydrogen generation in the energy system: the case of the Slovak RepublicThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
14Tamaneewan Dechawat - 2020 - Analysis of possible measures for peak demand...pdf.jpgTamaneewan, Dechawat Analysis of possible measures for peak demand reduction in a smart grid with high penetration of photovoltaics and electric vehicles in Thailand in a Scenario up to 2040Thesis Hochschulschrift 2020
15Nurkanovic Enver - 2020 - Costs of Hydrogen Through history and currently from...pdf.jpgNurkanovic, Enver Costs of Hydrogen : Through history and currently from different technologies and energy sourcesThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
16Haas, Reinhard ; Mez, Lutz ; Ajanovic, Amela Introduction: Why Discuss Nuclear Power Today?Buchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
17Haas, Reinhard ; Thomas, Stephen ; Ajanovic, Amela The Historical Development of the Costs of Nuclear PowerBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
18Resch, Gustav ; Suna, Demet Renewable Energies versus Nuclear PowerBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
19Haas, Reinhard ; Auer, Johann On New Thinking and Designs of Electricity Markets Heading towards Democratic and Sustainable Electricity SystemsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
20Reinberger, David ; Ajanovic, Amela ; Haas, Reinhard The Technological Development of Different Generations and Reactor ConceptsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019