Full name Familienname, Vorname
Mayr, Torsten
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Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Spitz, Sarah ; Bolognin, Silvia ; Brandauer, Konstanze ; Füßl, Julia ; Schuller, Patrick ; Schobesberger, Silvia ; Jordan, Christian ; Schädl, Barbara ; Grillari, Johannes ; Wanzenboeck, Heinz D. ; Mayr, Torsten ; Harasek, Michael ; Schwamborn, Jens C. ; Ertl, Peter Development of a multi-sensor integrated midbrain organoid-on-a-chip platform for studying Parkinson’s diseasePreprint Preprint2022
2Müller, Bernhard ; Sulzer, Philipp ; Walch, Manuel ; Zirath, Helene ; Buryška, Tomáš ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Ertl, Peter ; Mayr, Torsten Measurement of respiration and acidification rates of mammalian cells in thermoplastic microfluidic devicesArtikel Article 2021
3Kocsis, Ágnes ; Pasztorek, Markus ; Rossmanith, Eva ; Djinovic, Zoran ; Mayr, Torsten ; Spitz, Sarah ; Zirath, Helene ; Ertl, Peter ; Fischer, Michael B. Dependence of mitochondrial function on the filamentous actin cytoskeleton in cultured mesenchymal stem cells treated with cytochalasin BArtikel Article 2021
4Zirath, Helene ; Spitz, Sarah ; Roth, Doris ; Schellhorn, Tobias ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Müller, Bernhard ; Walch, Manuel ; Kaur, Jatinder ; Wörle, Alexander ; Kohl, Yvonne ; Mayr, Torsten ; Ertl, Peter Bridging the academic-industrial gap: application of an oxygen and pH sensor-integrated lab-on-a-chip in nanotoxicologyArtikel Article 2021
5Totaro, Damiano ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Steiger, Matthias G. ; Mayr, Torsten ; Wang, Hsiang-Yu ; Lin, Yu-Sheng ; Sauer, Michael ; Altvater, Martin ; Ertl, Peter ; Mattanovich, Diethard Downscaling screening cultures in a multifunctional bioreactor array-on-a-chip for speeding up optimization of yeast-based lactic acid bioproductionArtikel Article 19-Mar-2020
6Totaro, Damiano ; Radoman, Bojana ; Schmelzer, Bernhard ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Steiger, Matthias G. ; Mayr, Torsten ; Sauer, Michael ; Ertl, Peter ; Mattanovich, Diethard Microscale Perfusion‐Based Cultivation for Pichia pastoris Clone Screening Enables Accelerated and Optimized Recombinant Protein Production ProcessesArtikel Article 2020
7Sticker, Drago ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Ehgartner, Josef ; Steininger, Christoph ; Liske, Olga ; Liska, Robert ; Neuhaus, Winfried ; Mayr, Torsten ; Haraldsson, Tommy ; Kutter, Jörg ; Ertl, Peter Oxygen Management at the Microscale: A Functional Biochip Material with Long-Lasting and Tunable Oxygen Scavenging Properties for Cell Culture ApplicationsArtikel Article 12-Feb-2019
8Zirath Helene - 2018 - Every Breath You Take Non-invasive Real-Time Oxygen...pdf.jpgZirath, Helene ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Spitz, Sarah ; Bachmann, Barbara ; Jordan, Christian ; Müller, Bernhard ; Ehgartner, Josef ; Priglinger, Eleni ; Mühleder, Severin ; Redl, Heinz ; Holnthoner, Wolfgang ; Harasek, Michael ; Mayr, Torsten ; Ertl, Peter Every Breath You Take: Non-invasive Real-Time Oxygen Biosensing in Two- and Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Cell ModelsArticle Artikel Jul-2018
9Müller, Bernhard ; Sulzer, P ; Strobl, M ; Mayr, Torsten ; Zirath, Helene ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Ertl, Peter Monitoring Of Metabolic Parameters Of Mammal Cells Cultures In Microfluidic Devices Using Integrated Optical Chemical SensorsPräsentation Presentation2017
10Sticker, Drago ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Ehgartner, Josef ; Steininger, Christoph ; Neuhaus, Winfried ; Mayr, Torsten ; Ertl, Peter Using Oxygen-Consuming Thermoset Plastics To Generate Hypoxic Conditions In Microfluidic Devices For Potential Cell Culture ApplicationsPräsentation Presentation2017
11Zirath, Helene ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Müller, Bernhard ; Mayr, Torsten ; Ertl, Peter Development of a Microfluidic Nanotoxicological-Screening SystemPräsentation Presentation2017
12Ehgartner, Josef ; Strobl, Martin ; Bolivar, Juan M. ; Rabl, Dominik ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Ertl, Peter ; Borisov, Sergey M. ; Mayr, Torsten Simultaneous Determination of Oxygen and pH Inside Microfluidic Devices Using Core–Shell NanosensorsArtikel Article 4-Oct-2016
13Niedermair, Fabian ; Waich, Kerstin ; Kappaun, Stefan ; Mayr, Torsten ; Trimmel, Gregor ; Mereiter, Kurt ; Slugovc, Christian Heteroleptic κ²(N,C²)-2-phenylpyridine platinum complexes: The use of bis(pyrazolyl)borates as ancillary ligandsArtikel Article 2007