Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gerhold, Stefan
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Results 1-20 of 43 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Riva, Michele ; Kubicek, Markus ; Hao, Xiangfeng ; Franceschi, Giada ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Schmid, Michael ; Hutter, Herbert ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Franchini, Cesare ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Diebold, Ulrike Effects of Surface Structure on Oxygen Exchange on SrTiO₃(110)Präsentation Presentation2018
2Riva, Michele ; Kubicek, Markus ; Hao, Xianfeng ; Franceschi, Giada ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Schmid, Michael ; Hutter, Herbert ; Fleig, Juergen ; Franchini, Cesare ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Diebold, Ulrike Influence of surface atomic structure demonstrated on oxygen incorporation mechanism at a model perovskite oxideArtikel Article 2018
3Wagner, Margareta ; Lackner, Peter ; Seiler, Steffen ; Bunsch, Achim ; Bliem, Roland ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Wang, Zhiming ; Osiecki, Jacek ; Schulte, Karina ; Boatner, Lynn A. ; Schmid, Michael ; Meyer, Bernd ; Diebold, Ulrike Resolving the Structure of a Well-Ordered Hydroxyl Overlayer on In₂O₃(111): Nanomanipulation and TheoryArtikel Article 1-Nov-2017
4Riva, Michele ; Kubicek, Markus ; Hao, Xiangfeng ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Franceschi, Giada ; Schmid, Michael ; Hutter, Herbert ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Franchini, C. ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Diebold, Ulrike The Influence of Surface Atomic Structure on Solid State Electrochemistry: Oxygen Exchange on SrTiO3(110) SurfacesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
5Wagner, Margareta ; Lackner, Peter ; Seiler, Steffen ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Osiecki, Jacek ; Schulte, Karina ; Boatner, Lynn A. ; Schmid, Michael ; Meyer, Bernd ; Diebold, Ulrike Well-Ordered In Adatoms at the In₂O₃(111) Surface Created by Fe DepositionArtikel Article 11-Nov-2016
6Gerhold, Stefan Surface Reactivity and Homoepitaxial Growth of SrTiO₃(110); seminartalkPräsentation Presentation2016
7Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike Adjusting Island Density and Surface Morphology of the SrTiO₃(110)‑(4×1) Surface: Pulsed Laser Deposition Combined with Scanning Tunneling MicroscopyPräsentation Presentation2016
8Riva, Michele ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike In-situ atomic-scale control of the growth of a polar perovskite oxide: SrTiO3 (110) homoepitaxy by pulsed laser depositionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
9Wang, Z. ; Loon, A. ; Subramanian, A. ; Gerhold, S. ; McDermott, E. ; Enterkin, J. A. ; Hieckel, M. ; Russell, B. C. ; Green, R. J. ; Moewes, A. ; Guo, J. ; Blaha, P. ; Castell, M. R. ; Diebold, U. ; Marks, L. D. Transition from Reconstruction toward Thin Film on the (110) Surface of Strontium TitanateArtikel Article 2016
10Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike Adjusting island density and morphology of the SrTiO₃(110)-(4 × 1) surface: Pulsed laser deposition combined with scanning tunneling microscopyArtikel Article 2016
11Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Lackner, Peter ; Gamba, Oscar ; Maaß, Sebastian ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Bliem, Roland ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Schmid, Michael Fe₃O₄(110)-(1 × 3) revisited: Periodic (111) nanofacetsArtikel Article 2016
12Franchini, C. ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike Adjusting island density and surface morphology of the SrTiO₃(110)-(4x1) surface: pulsed laser deposition combined with scanning tunneling microscopyPräsentation Presentation2016
13Gerhold Stefan - 2016 - Surface reactivity and homoepitaxial growth of strontium...pdf.jpgGerhold, Stefan Surface reactivity and homoepitaxial growth of strontium titanate (110)Thesis Hochschulschrift 2016
14Riva, Michele ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Yildiz, Bilge ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike In-situ Atomic-Scale Control of PLD-Grown Homoepitaxial SrTiO₃(110)-(4×1) Films: Growing Thick FilmsPräsentation Presentation2015
15Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike SrTiO₃(110)-(4x1) Pulsed Laser Deposition Growth StudyPräsentation Presentation2015
16Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike SrTiO₃(110)-(4x1) Pulsed Laser Deposition Growth StudyPräsentation Presentation2015
17Gerhold, Stefan ; Riva, Michele ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike In-situ Atomic-Scale Control of PLD-Grown Homoepitaxial_SrTiO₃(110)-(4×1) Films: First Stages of GrowthPräsentation Presentation2015
18Gerhold, Stefan Surface Phase Diagram and Reactivity of SrTiO₃(110)Präsentation Presentation2015
19Lackner, Peter ; Wagner, Margareta ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Seiler, Steffen ; Meyer, Bernd ; Osiecki, Jacek ; Schulte, Karina ; Boatner, Lynn A. ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike Creating Ordered Indium Adatoms on the In₂O₃(111) Surface by Iron DepositionPräsentation Presentation2015
20Gerhold, Stefan In-situ atomic-scale control of the growth_of a polar perovskite oxide:_SrTiO₃(110) homoepitaxy with PLDPräsentation Presentation2015