Full name Familienname, Vorname
Tomastik, Christian
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Results 1-20 of 43 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Glechner, T. ; Tomastik, C. ; Badisch, E. ; Polcik, P. ; Riedl, H. Influence of WC/C target composition and bias potential on the structure-mechanical properties of non-reactively sputtered WC coatingsArtikel Article 2022
2Astašauskas, Vytautas ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Kuksa, Pavel ; Tomastik, Christian ; Kalbe, Henryk ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. Optical and electronic properties of amorphous silicon dioxide by single and double electron spectroscopyArtikel Article 2020
3Glechner, Thomas ; Kirnbauer, Alexander ; Tomastik, Christian ; Badisch, Ewald ; Polcik, Peter ; Mayrhofer, Paul Heinz ; Riedl, Helmut Controlling structure and morphology of WC based thin filmsPräsentation Presentation2020
4Astašauskas, Vytautas ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Kuksa, Pavel ; Tomastik, Christian ; Kalbe, Henryk ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. Optical and electronic properties of amorphous silicon dioxide by single and double electron spectroscopyArtikel Article 2019
5Haas, Michael ; Cihak-Bayr, Ulrike ; Tomastik, Christian ; Jech, Martin ; Gröschl, Martin Primary calibration by reciprocity method of high-frequency acoustic-emission piezoelectric transducersArtikel Article Jun-2018
6Sequard-Base, J. ; Haas, R. ; Tomastik, C. ; Vernes, A. ; Franek, F. Barrel Friction in Sport RiflesArtikel Article 2017
7Vassileva, Vassilka ; Krecar, Dragan ; Tomastik, Christian ; Gierl-Mayer, Christian ; Hutter, Herbert ; Danninger, Herbert Phosphorus in sintered steels: Impact fracture behaviour of sintered Fe-P with varying P contentArtikel Article 2015
8Steiger-Thirsfeld, Andreas ; Basnar, Bernhard ; Tomastik, Christian ; Pongratz, Peter ; Lugstein, Alois Characterization of carbonaceous contamination and the cleaning capability of atomic hydrogen during focused ion beam processingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
9Zikin, A. ; Badisch, E. ; Hussainova, I. ; Tomastik, C. ; Danninger, H. Characterization of TiC-NiMo reinforced Ni-based hardfacingArtikel Article2013
10Steiger-Thirsfeld, Andreas ; Basnar, Bernhard ; Tomastik, Christian ; Lugstein, Alois Carbonaceous contamination on low dose ion irradiated surfacesPräsentation Presentation2011
11Gabler, Christoph ; Tomastik, Christian ; Brenner, Josef ; Pisarova, Lucia ; Doerr, Nicole ; Allmaier, Günter Corrosion properties of ammonium based ionic liquids evaluated by SEM-EDX, XPS and ICP-OESArtikel Article 2011
12Tasneem, Ghazala ; Tomastik, Christian ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Photoelectron angular distributions of Cu, Ag, Pt and Au samples: experiments and simulationsArtikel Article2010
13Vollnhofer, W. ; Eisenmenger-Sittner, C. ; Hell, J. ; Kiniger, M. ; Schwarz, B. ; Steiner, H. ; Tomastik, C. The influence of temperature treatment and carbon addition on the surface morphology and the surface energy of molybdenum layers on carbon substratesArtikel Article 2008
14Lugstein, Alois ; Schöndorfer, Christoph ; Weil, Matthias ; Tomastik, Christian ; Jauss, Andrea ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich Study of focused ion beam response of GaSbArtikel Article2007
15Vollnhofer, W. ; Eisenmenger-Sittner, Christoph ; Hell, J. ; Kiniger, Marianne ; Schwarz, Bernhard ; Steiner, Harald ; Tomastik, Christian The Influence of Temperature Treatment and Carbon Addition on the Surface Morphology and the Surface Energy of Molybdenum Layers on Carbon SubstratesPräsentation Presentation2007
16Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Tomastik, Christian ; Smekal, Werner ; Moon, D.W. ; Kim, K.J. ; Powell, C.J. Film thickness determination of ultra thin HfO₂ dielectrics with angle resolved XPS: Experimental electron scattering dataPräsentation Presentation2006
17Tomastik, Christian Interaction of Beryllium Oxide with Hydrogen PlasmaPräsentation Presentation2006
18Laimer, Johann ; Störi, Herbert ; Tomastik, Christian Untersuchungen der Oxidation von Cu-Mg- und Cu-Al-LegierungenBericht Report2006
19Tomastik, Christian ; Störi, Herbert Augeranalyse von LTCC-ProbenBericht Report2006
20Tomastik, Christian ; Störi, Herbert Transport of Impurities in BerylliumBericht Report2006

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewEditor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Tomastik, Christian ; Rüdenauer, Friedrich ; Watts, John F. 1. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA 2005) (25. - 30.9.2005) TU Wien; Surf. Interf. Anal. Vol. 38Konferenzband Proceedings2006